Is working in tech really like this?

Is working in tech really like this?

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absolutely no
that is just corporate market to bubble their assets

working in tech is sitting down hours and hours thinking for solutions, not pretending to be paris hilton

Yeah, pretty much. It barely feels like I go to work each day

Yes, but its the men that are programming and the women just have useless jobs such as social media manager or hr

Lmfaaaao no, throw about 6+ hrs in front a screen in there

Maybe it’s this way for bitches since they don’t really do shit except setup client meetings, or decide who to blow to get a bonus

>literally everyone and their brother looking for a "career in tech"
>CS degrees awarded has doubled over the past decade
>CS degree enrollment has probably quadrupled over the past decade
>CS degrees most popular course at most universities, huge waitlists
>engineers self-studying and retraining to enter software
>scientists and mathematicians self-studying and retraining to enter software
>entire industries around learn2code popping up
>leetcode/DS&A schools, bootcamps, free video tutorials, etc.
>entry level saturated
>mid level soon to be saturated
>tech companies basically only source of stock market growth over the past 10 years
>tech companies now retracting offers and beginning layoffs
>techniggers maintain that this can't possibly be the top
this is the california gold rush all over again.

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that is not even working, bitch straight up just eats and drinks all day

her real job is to consoom

Her job is to eat and walk around the building all day?

She will be eaten first when the cities fall

>soulless highrise buildings
>constant feeling like you're on a leash while cctv cameras follow you
>overpriced cantines that smell artificially clean
>constant filtering of verbiage and opinions so coworkers dont report you to HR for revealing your power level
>continual screen use
>goy propaganda newsletters and briefings

>a random HR marketing thot


This. If you live every day like this video you will be let go within the year.

No wonder linkedin is so unusable.

Once AI self generated codes become a thing all those commie "working" in tech will need Basic universal income to pay the rent...

Tech is the crowded trade...

It's just high IQs (who can into algos and ds, not talking about front enf brainlets), automating the jobs of the low IQs, the problem is high IQ stopped reproducing so the next generation will be full of low IQ who can't do shit because everything their iq allows them to do has been automated, and the few will be the midwits using the software high IQs made 40 years ago.

when does she start working

LOL no, not even fucking close.

Fuck off stupid bitch that shit looks absolutely disgusting. Plastic fucking life. Kys.

working as a woman is like that
the industry doesn't matter
they're always just glorified prostitutes

never, it's marketing bro, women don't do anything in those places except giving blowjobs

This is satire, right

stop posting this fucking garbage
kys ameriMUTT

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Unironically this, and then have HR meetings with you about the formal complaints filed against you. Because one of your employees threw a temper tantrum and walked off the job lol