It's absolutely insane what's reflected in the glass, we are ruled by lunatics

It's absolutely insane what's reflected in the glass, we are ruled by lunatics

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idk looks kind of like an eye in the reflection? that's definitely a man though

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S(he) did it


Take your meds. There’s no group of super-elites that are performing satanic rituals in some island. You are mentally ill

A red screaming basedjak?

You both are deranged I posted a picture of her drinking champagne on a yacht watching the notre dame burn, you extrapolated that to mean whatever you want it to mean

Meds and straightjacket

seriously kill yourself

Why are there so many mentally ill people on Any Forums

Kill yourself

Is that what the voices are telling you right now?

How fat are you? Is your BMI over 35?

meds. now.

since you made the assertion here. perhaps you could prove this claim?
>theres NONE?
we know this isnt true as theres multiple cases.
would you be interested in discussion your point of view?
I could take or leave the satanic rituals/ plotting the worlds fate/stroking a bald cat etc.
its the super rich and connected fucking children and their inner circles being not only aware, but supportive of such actions (be it either ignorance or malice).

so what about epstein and wexner? forget the external influence, this proves conspiracy.

hell i'll even give you that its a stand alone complex being mistaken for conspiring. but you cannot claim there isnt any evidence for the occurrence of powerful people soliciting children through discreet means.

i guess maxwell did it all. we shouldnt name the men and women who actually brutalised children.

Which part of my post is hard to understand? Are you feeling ok?

schizophrenia usually begins to show symptoms around the early 30s for men

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This, Eipstein killed himself.


>Larp id
Kek btfo nigger

OP is a schizophrenic.
Schizophrenics have a brain disorder where they see connections in their brain that are not there.
They believe in faulty miswiring of their brain.

If you are reading this then I hereby give you permission to leave the thread now and move on with your life.

Which part of my post is hard to grasp? It's okay take your time and slowly explain where you are having difficulties

>It's absolutely insane what's reflected in the glass, we are ruled by lunatics
>nothing seen in the picture/reflection
>OP makes up stuff in his head like a schizo

That wasn't so hard now was it? you should be able to make these connections yourself.

Pushy, why is that?
Oh you are projecting.

The reflection is clearly the Notre Dame burning you fucking retard she was on a yacht watching it happen

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I’m a skelly. Do the voices ever talk to each other?

LOL. Yeah ok dude. You're just born this way I understand. Don't ever get near me or my children I will bash your head in you freakin weirdo

I can smell your posts, what is the billow of smoke if it wasn't the notre dame? you fat fuck

bro??? your meds??

Any Forums is filled with bots and low IQ Indians

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