Etemon could solo the Pokémon universe

Etemon could solo the Pokémon universe.

Attached: Etemon.jpg (320x320, 85.23K)

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i could take him

Gets stompped by a Chansey who lectures him afterward.

Attached: chancy.jpg (983x750, 49.44K)

I don't remember much of Etemon's feats but I think he much stronger than that.

But it would still look completely retarded

He floored Greymon AND Kabuterimon with a single punch, threw Ikakumon by his horn like a ragdoll, caught every needle fired at him by Togemon and threw them all back, among other things. He was OP as fuck for that point in the series, the kids Digimon couldn't even scratch him.

>trying to start powerlevel debates in Pokemon when Arceus is now a verified Absolute Creator God

That Chansey ripped a police box and carried it all the way to a hospital while Officer Jenny still being inside. Etemon wasn't nearly as strong than Chansey. .

Even Gatomon floored Greymon and Kabuterimon despite being as small as a Meowth.

It just show how easily pokemon can floor Champion level digimon without even evolving.

Doesn't even have to be Chansey

Attached: vslrT3S.gif (628x342, 2.39M)

Porygon in any form would destroy any Digital Monster, it's kind of its thing.

I used to think MetalEtemon was so hot when I rewatched Digimon as a teenager.

Etemon? More like Bulgemon owo

every single fictional universe has their own absolute creator god nowadays

> Solo the entire Digimon world

Nothing personal.

Attached: Aegislash.png (512x512, 116.12K)

>Beast type
>Basically Normal type
Just get me a Machoke, Machamp if he is overleveled. It'll be fine.

Can you leave? You autistic retard

Sit down.

Attached: machinedramon 3.jpg (1920x1080, 536.78K)

Do you know how fucking heavy that is?

Its an entire frozen lake

Gatomon is also a champion digimon, nerd

Digimon is a glorified tamagotchi.

Is the chansey schizo still at it? Talk to me when a Pokemon just flies through a planet before it's even at its final level.

So? Its doesn't change that its small bipedal cat like Meowth.

Except it was an illusionary asteroid on a simulation room inside a Mountain.

>has rings
keep trying chanseyfag

Charizard, slice & dice him with your Dragon Claw

> A Planet
> Inside a mountain

Try again

Imagine not knowing how pocket dimensions work lmao.

It wasn't a pocket dimension, it was a simulation room. We even saw that digimon controlling it in its computer room.

That's a storage room attached to the pocket dimension retard. You didn't even watch Adventure.