
Will it ever come back?

Attached: bao.png (313x307, 6.72K)

Probably not, but it's not like we can do anything either way, as funds are locked for a few years after farming.


Attached: 1494DF10-763E-462C-9477-EB48E1E6C4CA.jpg (132x325, 16.75K)

>that'll be $60k, plus tip

Attached: baoo.png (1416x1024, 118.38K)

>literally means bag in chinese
Bagholders, when will they learn?

This went to shit when they put the Pikachu face to the original BAO.

stay poor
synths will melt cocks

no, they'll create another ponzi for the next bull market

I hope so, man. I've held since last February and it's been a mostly downward trend. I guess the question is "when", but then again that's never an easy question to answer. Maybe I'll use some of my earnings at the end of the summer to accumulate more.

they're one of the few projects I expect will deliver actual results

holding 35 million here. I am sure BAO will be huge in a few years

can someone explain to me how the BAO unlocking will actually work? I tried to find details, but they want me to read some fucking 30 page forum post with no TLDR

You simply will never get your tokens

Let it go, you bet on a horse that lost. No shame in admitting defeat, take your lessons and move on.

this is what ive started to think. luckily I made like 10k profit on the initial run up and staked excess so it literally does not matter to me, but holy fuck how do you lock people out of their funds for years

>holy fuck how do you lock people out of their funds for years
because it was a scam to cash in on the foodcoin craze

Similar situation personally. The marketcap went too high too quickly, 95% tokens vested would be an endless dumpfest forever. Plus defi is a ghost town right now. I'll check back next cycle lmao

how many do you have locked? I have 60m just sitting there. Maybe I'll be a decamillionaire in 2026

20m. I farmed it day one with like...$500 of ocean protocol-eth liquidity. What a different time

nice. yeah shit was crazy

t. furiously-bleeding-bao.gif