There is no additional oil supply to ramp up to...

There is no additional oil supply to ramp up to. Production facilities all across the world are running red hot and basically at max capacity, and still crude is heading right back up to $120/barrel. How do I profit from the third-world being priced out of fuel?

Attached: Oil2.jpg (594x719, 74.46K)

the world is ending bro hope you bought guns, just wait two more weeks for famine and the supervulcano and vaxxies dying

buy canadian mid cap producers: MEG, BTE, ERF, VET. Also US Royalty Trusts that pay dividend in correlation with WTI prices: PBT. Buy refiners like VTNR.
twatter follows: Eric Nuttal, Josh Young etc.

Every time you say
>Peak Oil
Shills stay coming out of the woodwork about how we basically have infinite oil. But we've hit peak oil. Infinite economic growth was always going to hit a wall.
2% annual growth is exponential. We've had a doubling of the economy and of resource use every 30 years and that's now over. This is the main reason they're trying to dismantle the economy. They're going for a managed decline rather than an uncontrolled collapse.

>They're going for a managed decline rather than an uncontrolled collapse.
So it's going to be the uncontrolledest of collapses then?

justin and joe will rape oil companies with windfall taxes, anti-price gouging regulations and finally nationalisaton because they literally hate oil and they hate you and want you to be poor

>But we've hit peak oil
that's because everybody in the west was cutting production because muh green energy and drilling makes that retarded swedish girl cry

It's the main reason for mass sterilization and why all world leaders were instantly on board.

Certainly not the Western companies. Buy Gulf or Russian (if you've got that option) South America and Africa are risky because political instability.

>Oil production is at an all time high
Why is this news? You would expect it to be growing constantly as the world population increases. It would be more newsworthy if it WASN'T at an ATH at any given point.


look at refining capacity instead

Its both, but the loss of Russian end products hurts more since now western refiners have to choose to prioritize gasoline or diesel/kerosene instead of upconverting cheap Russian VGO to the latter.

PBR is probably the best choice out of the South American producers, YPF is a little bit riskier with Argentinia voting to become part of the BRIC-states.

Canadian mid cap producers tho are debt free in march 2023, trade at 33 % free cash flow yield and are rated according to a WTI price of 65 USD They trade at 2.5x EV/CF.

These oil threads always have a curious mix of general retardation and kremlin propaganda

>justin and joe will rape oil companies with windfall taxes
canada might be fucked, but US presidents can't just make up new taxes. this isn't going to happen.

It's not that we have hit peak oil, more like we hit peak easily avaible oil. There is still as much oil as anyone wants just that it's gonna take way more money/capital/engineering to get it out. So the prices will stay high, very high. And renewables/electricity are a meme.

where is total refinery capacity published?
i know you're not wrong, just going to check absolute numbers and what the shortfalls are

Attached: 6jx3fs.jpg (500x500, 36.91K)

>muh peak oil
just dig deeper bro

Oil doesn't drill itself out of the ground. It takes time and money and it has become harder to raise capital. No one wants to take long term risks when the government keeps saying they will put you out of business.

>buy oil right before the economy collapses bro!! trust me!!

>when the government keeps saying they will put you out of business
how about voting in a government that doesn't want to see its citizens destitute?