ICPtards actually build a Any Forums clone on their scamcoin blockchain

> ICPtards actually build a Any Forums clone on their scamcoin blockchain
Does that mean that biz is now free from all these fuckwits?

Attached: 1652788580635.gif (220x220, 9K)

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link so i can shitpost

try googling Any Forums on ICP's web3 search engine?

>eye sea pea

seachan .org


Bahaha they even have a biz…. Does that mean we can go ape shit

Only if the clone is useable, and then, only if people actually use it. so probably not



use seachan.org link the gorilla nigger Redditor’s get scared with a slightly weird looking link

why so slow


is it usable?

wtf icp actually works? i thoughti t was a meme. what other web3 tokens are people building dapps on?

yes and i just spoke to dklord, he is working on an exclusive drop to all early users of seachan

poorly written frontend react code

ok so do I need kyc and type my address or can I call my favorite glownigger to join the "free" discussion boards

no you do not, you only need a wallet if you want to access gated boards

aaaa it redeemed my meta masks

Stfu don’t let the new fags know about this

delete this