I'm going to have sex tonight

How do I profit from this?

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Record it and send it to me.

How do I profit from this?

Charge him for your service.

use lots of lube and tell him to go slowly at first, otherwise he may hurt you

How much will you pay? For reference, I'm an 8 and she's a 6

Lots of guys will pay to take turns on you

He is $5,000 hr

She's a she

me too, with a woman 20 years younger

H-how old are you, user?

he's probably 37 years and 364 days old

Ok, now this is epic

it's ok I'm 43

escorts dont count

get a vasectomy before

lmao drop the escort and buy bit instead. You'll be better off. sex over-rated

Why the fuck is it so easy the older you get? When i was like 16-25 my life was a graveyard. Now at 27 its so easy getting girls 10 years younger loll

Increased maturity and respect that comes with age

Until she pulls out her massive wiener