Ever since I bought my house my gf has been a huge bitch, literally starting the day I closed. Never touches me...

Ever since I bought my house my gf has been a huge bitch, literally starting the day I closed. Never touches me, rejects my advances, doesn't stay long, no interest in helping move or explore the new place, just sits on her phone or with some stupid puzzle book
Her lease is up in 2 weeks and she was going to move in with me and she has taken zero interest in doing anything with my house like moving her stuff over or helping the setup nor moving herself out.
WTF bros I just wanted someone to share this with and keep me on my grind (wanted us both to learn web3). I own outright and have an easy job so wanted to explore more side ventures.
Instead she just acts like a huge cunt and doesn't have any attraction for me. I'd dump her now except she owes me $1000 for a trip we have planned to visit my sister and I already bought the tickets. So I'll go just to spite her

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Yeah it's over


go have sex with other women

ditch the bitch and go bang your sister imo

>I'd dump her now except she owes me $1000 for a trip we have planned to visit my sister and I already bought the tickets. So I'll go just to spite her
My ex-highschool sweetheart got into alcohol and MDMA and then completely changed from the person who I had been with for several years. I ended up letting a $5k debt go, though her based brother ended up collecting $3k of it for me, unfortunately he killed himself with drugs (miss you bro).
Anyway, it sounds like it is over. Her outward action and spoken words are a reflection of her inner state, and so consider the simulation of you she carries in her head that she thinks about when she is this way.
If your relationship with her were a cryptocurrency, I'd be shorting it with at least 5x leverage this very moment. Best of luck OP! Women are mostly not worth it, the few who are worth it are so scarce and rare. Even vetted women fuck up.

Try telling her everything you typed here and see if something else is going on in her life to cause this change in behavior.

Thing was she's practically autistic so I know she'd never cheat and wasn't constantly going out with friends.

>talk about it
HA! Get a load of this goy!
Ok it's probably good advice
Idk if she's jealous or feels bad because she has a huge student loan and shit job

>Idk if she's jealous or feels bad because she has a huge student loan and shit job
To add, but I didn't think girls were that interested in that and I am trying to take her into my life where it wouldn't matter and she's rejecting that.

Is she "very online"

yep, based

No she just has tiktok scroooooling addiction

If she’s legit an aspiechan and not another homads, talk to her. Like this shit depends on a lot of factors, typically I would kick her ass to the curb and thank her for riding The user Express (an LT of Pepe Industries), but if she’s just jealous and autistic you could get her to move in and live with you.

>if she’s just jealous and autistic you could get her to move in and live with you
At this point it's not even about convincing her but if she's never going to touch me then I'm not trying to enter a sexless marriage with a 25 yo and not even being married

>legit aspiechan
imo probably but girls channel it differently
instead of inventing ethereum she does word games for hours

>Wanted us both to learn web3

I'd cheat on and leave you too, fag.

>puzzle book
are you dating a middle schooler

>not even married
>having her move into the house you own
Literal retard, m8

Retard and autist like ying and yang


feels like it desu

>getting married
>have to sell house and move into shittier one
>have to pay her debts
>have to pay alimony
retard take user

she thinks she has you on lock now that you have tied yourself down with a permanent house that she will be moving into. so she is revealing her true colors. sex was just something she used to trap you but it looks like she is playing her cards too soon and that is an amateur move by her. most women wait until after marriage to do so

Looks like you're doing it solo king. on the bright side you can live in a nice ass house like a king and buy some HBAR. out here.

>wanted us both to learn web3

That's it. She realized you are either schizphrenic or downright retarded.

>calling someone retarded

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Obvious mental deficiency is obvious
Marriage wasn't even suggested. Go ahead and have her move in with you. She can receive mail and keep up the charade of a relationship with you. Good luck when she claims half your property with a defense of (((common-law marriage)))

Are you in good shape with decent muscle mass, and low fat? If not, it is your own damn fault.

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not even married and you already have divorced dad energy

She's seeing another dude

>Own a house
>Can't dump my gf because she owes he $1k
Nice larp dumbass.

>not even wife
>whining about a random woman
why are whites so fucking pathetic?
Extinction is imminent for you but this will result in the collapse of the west itself before that

Dump her NOW. $1000 in airfare (you may even be able to get one ticket back on credit?) is a cheap price to pay to avoid even common law divorce rape.

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Buy her a rubrics cube she be busy for a few weeks