Shiny Shaymin

I fucking did it guise

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>ugly ass ultra ball
Release it


>ultra ball
>that nickname

the shiny frame the rng generated in that moment was wasted on you. someone more deserving is going to be at it for weeks if not months

Attached: yikes.jpg (385x687, 53.35K)

>Severe balltism

me and my Keanu Reeves laugh at you

Lil Benis

>people screeching about ultra balls
lmao you guys are such fucking autists sometimes

btw cool shiny dude

i could have injected this in 2 minutes lol

yea but doesnt feel nice
i could buy a used winning lottery ticket on ebay to that same effect


Yeah but is it female?

Keanu Reeves!
Big chungus!
Minecraft good, Fortnite bad!

>Ultra ball
Oh user…..What a waste

Based and shaymin-pilled

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Give it to me

Why do we hate Ulta balls?

They are very unaesthetic.
Fair enough if you're catching a Pokemon to fill the dex, but shiny hunting is a process that can take 100s of hours, why spend all that time to just use an Ultra/Masterball.

>Find shiny after hundreds of hours
>Paralyze/false swipe/whatever
>Spam balls with the best catch rate to ensure minimum chance of failure
>Walk away with your cool shiny in an ultra ball
>Find shiny after hundreds of hours
>Paralyze/false swipe/whatever
>Balltism kicks in
>Use Premier balls/Luxury balls/other balls that may look pretty but give no advantage in capture rate
>It keeps escaping
>”X has no moves left!
>”X used Struggle!”
>”X fainted!”
>Just lost hundreds of hours over your pathetic balltism shit

>Implying you're not tracking move usage to masterball it in case of 0pp
Nice strawman faggot

Just stock up on balls, who shiny hunts but doesn't buy a shit ton of pokeballs

Masterball looks cool, I really don't care that hackers use it.

I think he would use another ball if they did not fucking lock them behind a pre order bullshit

? when did he imply that either scenario had a lack of balls?

>yasssss i reset my game over and over again until i got a different color pokemon that im going to box

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>They are very unaesthetic.
Better looking than the shitty luxury ball.

My bad, mis-read that