$16 a year to store 6000 Pokemon

>$16 a year to store 6000 Pokemon
>Pokemon files are at the high end of 300 bytes per Pokemon, but let's be generous and say they're 500 to even it out and give TPC some leeway for shit programming
>Your $16 a year is paying for 3 god damn megabytes of storage if you're using all of it
How in the fuck are they getting away with this? Fucking Google Drive offers 15 GB of free storage and even the basic plan for an additional 100GB is cheaper than this. Don't fucking tell me it's for their impeccable service because BDSP and PLA still aren't supported by it.

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>needing 6000 slots
>enough space to fit one of every pokemon with in game storage
>complaining while WILLINGLY paying for it

just don't pay for it, retard

You need to explain this to normies in a TLDR; format.

It's an absolute scam/ransomware but PokéManiac's will always buy regardless of how anticonsumer these games get.

Home practically existed in Gen 3 yet they waited until they could monetise it.

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I'm so baffled by the existence of this service.
How many people actually pay for this? Like genuinely. There's no possible way they can make a loss on this service since it probably costs practically nothing to run, but out of the millions of people who own SwSh, do even 1% of them use it?
Could the low userbase explain why it hasn't been updated for BDSP and legends support? because there's no way it can be hard to add those in. What the fuck is the deal with this thing?

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>thinks the only thing in Home is the storage
You've never actually used it, have you

>Worst GTS in the series history
It should cost more!

No they also put series staples behind a paywall, so it’s even worse than OP implied.

retard here, what else does it do?

>worst GTS
>can deposit 3 at a time

>You have to pay money for an accurate IV checker
>a feature which you can get for free by googling "IV checker"

GTS, wonder box, link trades, ranked/competitions battle data. Not that they're groundbreaking features that justify the price but there are things other than storage that constantly use the servers and require being maintained.

huh..? how is that different from just uploading and storing more data?

What ranked competition? You can battle on home?

>How in the fuck are they getting away with this?
no competition

>It's an absolute scam
Welcome to the franchise
"Hey kid, know those cards you spent three years collecting? Well, you can't use three-quarters of them in this new series meta, you need to buy new ones kthxbai"

Last I heard, there was 3.5m subs compared to 24 or 25m sales of SS. So enough people to make money off, not enough people to prove the point normies gave a fuck about catching them all in one spot.

Crying about $1.20ish a month. Suicide is an option but I guess the rope is an unattainable investment.

>GTS, wonder box, link trades, ranked/competitions battle data
all of this should have been in the base game as before

This is why I preferred Yu-Gi-Oh's card game over Pokemon's. Sure it was busted to shit in terms of balance (what card game isn't these days) but at least I could use almost any card I wanted whenever I wanted.

these features also all happen to be free to use and require neither a NSO or Home subscription

If you want to have a living dex, you need to pay for it. There's more than 30 missing Pokemon.

You forgot to actually put features in it, Masuda.
And no, cutting shit from the main series does not count. For all intents and purposes HOME is less functional than Bank and that's sad.

I could get that back when they completely reworked trainer cards, because something like Bill should not have continued to exist, but now it's just completely arbitrary.