Admit it, you cried

Admit it, you cried

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only at "Bye Bye Butterfree"

i didn't
i didn't cry at this either

Nope, only in the movie when Pikachu tried to wake up a petrified Ash because I spilled my drink

I cried after seeing 2000 because it was the last old movie I had not seen and I know the good days are over

No, the song ruined that moment

nope. i cringed. it felt like a copout. it was abrupt and not believable.
i cried when pikachu cried when ash turned to stone in the first movie.

Ash had mad self-esteem issues. He was going to abandon his Pikachu just because it was happy interacting with its kind.

we watched this episode while i was at some summer camp thing one day and i tried so hard not to cry, i remember one of my friends was rubbing my back cause i kept wiping my eyes over and over again to hide my tears

I have cried to the Pokemon anime but I can't remember which episodes. Definitely not in the first season though.

nope i thought what a fucking dumbass

nope i cried when Stoutland died

No. Neither when Ash "died" in the movie, I was more shocked than anything.

I did cry when Digimon Adventure and Dragon Ball ended, though.

No. Even as a kid, very little in the Pokémon anime made me feel much besides mild amusement at best.


Snow Way Out is the only time I shed a tear. That is what it is all about here. You and your bros.

No, other media moved me to tears. I just didn't think the Pokémon anime was very good and only ever watched it to see Pokémon animated. I found it mostly very corny and uninvolving.

>runs away like a retard
>reunites cause misunderstanding
>this is supposed to be touching
God the ashitnime is a fucking a piece of shit

Only real life deaths of relatives and such have ever made me cry, am I autistic and/or retarded?

For me, it's whenever Team Rocket have to say goodbye to a Pokémon.

What kind of man cries over a fucking video game advertisement?

you're normal

No, but I did cry at this.

Also once when I was coming down from an acid trip, I watched Snow Way Out and cried at that as well.

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>oh noooo the main character is leaving

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