So,why did it flopped so badly?

So,why did it flopped so badly?

Attached: gold-silver-banner-403e5.jpg (620x360, 62.58K)

Because it didn't have CHARIZARD on the cover.

>why did it flopped
Good morning sirs

Shortest region. Horrible level curve and balance. Compromised first region to add in heavily compromised second region. Majority of new Pokémon not available until post-game in said compromised second region. Minimal post-game content.

There's two other threads with the same exact title. Seems like a copypasta.

They need to replace captcha with basic English grammar questions. The quality of posts on this site would go up astronomically.

Piracy is incredibly common

Because you're a zoomer and logically can't a remember a time where this game was a massive success and therefore might seem like a flop to you out of delusion.

Were they restricted to gameboy colour? or could you still play without one?

Crystal was exclusively Gameboy Color. GS could still be played on the original Gameboy even though they were marketed as Gameboy Color games.

People that actually play the games don't care about any of that. They're fun. Simple as.

>people that actually played tue game
You mean "people who have never stopped to question their childhood first impressions"
Playing a Johto game after any other region just makes the differences more obvious

Do you notice how I said "play" and you said "played"? They're different words. How do you fuck up a copy paste greentext? Oh, I know. You intentionally misrepresent other people to make your shitty arguments. Shut the fuck up you retarded esl

What exactly is the huge difference between "play" and "played" in this context? The difference in wording doesn't make whatI said incorrect. Someone who plays GSC as their first games as a kid is going to have a different experience than someone who plays other games first. The more you play before you get to Johto the more the differences will be noticeable, and someone with more experience will naturally have a more defined opinion instead of a childish simplification like "They're fun". If you play them as a kid XY are "fun", DP are "fun", SwSh are "fun", but it's likely that you think at least 1 out of those 3 is bad, so what makes your opinion matter more than a current child?

People only fellate Johto because they're miserable as adults; they're losers, poor, and look back fondly on the only time they were ever happy - when they were children. Meanwhile Alola cunnychads like myself are successful and have high paying + fulfilling jobs and our lives are only getting better. We realize the games from our childhoods simply weren't that good and Johto was objectively the worst of them all.

>randomly brings up Alola out of nowhere just to call another gen bad
Can't wait for a discorder to appear and be mad at this definitely real post then go on a rant about how bad the fanbase is.

They didn't flop though. They sold pretty well (albeit not as wells as gen 1 since Pokemania died down a little), plus they're still the most soulful games in the series since it was back when Game Freak made Pokemon games as if they were going to be the last one (rather than shitting out annual rehashes like they do now).

It's a copypasta. There's 2 other threads like this.

nah gen 7 did

nah thats gen 7

two sides of the same alolabortion coin

they were never going to be the last games, things that make that much money don't just end

gen 7 sucks balls the worst games in the series

u wot?
that was at like the peak of pokemania
it was like a fucking cult
kids would beat you up for not liking pokemon
or saying you picked bulbasaur
it was srs bizness

>Mentally ill pedophile
Pick one

>Shortest region.
>Horrible level curve and balance.
The fuck are you talking about?
>Compromised first region to add in heavily compromised second region.
What second region?
>Majority of new Pokémon not available until post-game in said compromised second region.
Not true. No second region and pretty much all the new pokemon are available in the story.
Minimal post-game content.