*is filled with Sinnoh fags who raid Any Forums*

Attached: Discord-emblem.jpg (2100x1400, 67.23K)


Kalosfags, you mean. And always posting the same spam list to try and make Gen 7 and 8 look bad as if XY isn't the only blight on the 3D era.

no more typo corrections

Unovasisters, how long can we keep hiding that we falseflag hatred of our own gen?

Sinnoh, Unova, Kalos. All similar levels garbage nu-gen regions with hoards of drones for fans.

If u wanna be cool, stick with Kino Kanto

Attached: 58ACD40E-0263-4413-A004-9407B1A1D57D.png (860x599, 121.57K)


>Sinno zooms trying to convince anyone that it's the other gens who cause the cancer on Any Forums

Nope, Kalos was correct.

obvious discord faggot is obvious

Kalos and Kalos alone killed Pokemon, but I'll admit it's very entertaining seeing what narratives you dream of to try to pretend it's not true.

>discord immediately has to defend themselves and deflect to kalos

Nope, I'm OP and meant Kalos

Discord is getting creative!

>Sinnoh fags

Attached: 1626904971019.png (828x1792, 442.13K)


It's always hilarious to see johto fans try to get around this one. Do you have the screenshot for the anti-Unova/Pro-Kalos poster too?

>le falseflagging picture

>when the johto defense force fails it was all falseflagging
That is definitely a convenient way out of taking responsibility for years of propoganda.

No it is a convenient discord way for you to pretend you aren't fucking with both johto and unova. Fuck off and die in a motherfucking shithole that is brazil.

I've never understood this one. You would rather have a fanbase full of delusional nostalgia addicts pretending nobody has ever had a problem with your games than just accept that you let in some psychos because they said what you wanted to hear. Self-sabotage just for the sake of... What? Hoping you'll convince others that they should just go along with your blind praise?

>Ask for actual arguments about why hgss and unova suck
>only shitposts and comments get ignored everytime, trying to farm easy replies
You want le easy replies, faggot. It is obvious as shit no regular poster participates in those threads, people didn't post like that before the raiders came. You only get replies from casual faggots that don't browse here often. Fuck off and eat a cactus.

>ignoring the point
The graph in that image was posted, multiple times, and defended in threads. So, which is it?
>a crazy raider made a picture to manipulate information to benefit johto and got away with posting it for months before the real fans cared
>a crazy johto fan manipulated information to benefit johto and the result was ridiculous enough that a raider thought they could believably take credit for it
Neither is really a good thing