PRQ - Why does it get so much FUD

Theres an entire group dedicated to flood every PRQ thread thats being made with agressive FUD. I dont see many other projects that are posted on here suffering from this much autistic hatred.

Is this bullish?

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Reminds me of Link fud back in the day. Bullish imo

user, it’s simple…..anons of biz use weak childish reverse psychology to keep price down….whilst they accumulate as much as possible. Stinking link was a great example back in 2018-19.

All I can say is buy as much parsnips as possible…’s time for launch is imminent.

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I generally agree, except for this dude 'eric' who is literally just seething because jannies banned him lmao.

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Will there be collaborations with top tier crypto projects? Yes, already in progress.

Will reasonably big Web3 projects be PARSIQ clients? Yes, already in the pipeline.

Will there be collaborations with big Web2 companies? Yes, already in progress.

Will there be more listings, including tier 1 exchanges? Yes.

Will PARSIQ get adoption and a substantial market share? IMO Yes (off to a very good start).

Will PARSIQ as a brand get more recognition in the future? IMO Yes (already is on a corporate and smart money level).

Is PARSIQ tech and team blockchain expertise up to snuff to compete with the best? IMO Yes (our team is very very talented IMO).

Will PARSIQ venture farther than blockchain data and Web3 backend? Yes, we have a big vision for PARSIQ going forward. When the current milestones are successfully accomplished, time to move on to bigger things that we have planned.

Will PRQ see or exceed its all-time-high price? No idea. Very often older projects get overshadowed by new shiny narratives that suck all the liquidity. But we have seen very successful performers who have done great over multiple cycles via reinvigorated narratives (FTM, MATIC etc). We will do our best for PRQ to be in the latter category. PARSIQ is still relatively small compared to what it can be. It will all depend on: market timing, team effort, community effort. But we are well positioning by being on a lot of big Asian, Europen and US based exchanges with a new big product set coming and big list of adopters pending.

Lots to look forward to. This is the time to build and show progress. Will pay off big when market reverses IMO (in terms of brand recognition, tech recognition, adoption etc).

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Oh no no no fartshit sisters we've been found out...

Fartshit niggers should be suffocated under a fat mans sweaty arsehole.

Who the fk is eric and why is he mentioned everywhere

A mentally ill baggie that has spend at least 8 hours a day spreading FUD on PRQ every single day for the past 6+ months. Hes also banned on Telegram on at least 100 different alt accounts. He keeps buying new phone numbers to make more accounts.

You can instantly recognise him when he shows up to threads. He will start replying to literally everyone within seconds with very agressive FUD.

Eric is one of the tg usernames for a schizo who appears to have devoted the last few years of his life to destroying Parsiq as a company and demoralising all holders because he got banned from the tg for being a dick.
He's a dick but one has to admire the autistic energy he brings to the space. He holds over 200k PRQ I believe. Very knowledgable about the project, uses that knowledge to lie and fud as much as possible while pulling at his winkle.

PRQ Chad's GMI

Yes, we are.

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No, we aren't.

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Checked. WAGMI

Didnt even notice the quads at first. Based

Everyone knows this is going to moon. They just want time to accumulate. Soon it will be impossible without pumping the price though

>a fucking telegram bot


This thing can double any second now

Double? Double figures you mean?

>10 rupees inc
ive held for too long

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