He is right you know

"Goldberg cost me $16million in 2 seconds. When I hear Goldberg going to Saudi Arabia making $3million for a 10 minute match, you think he would have called me up sent me something for it. He's never thought of me once since I got hurt"

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Why do obese smelly Smarks worship this bitter old sad faggot?

>you think he would have called me up sent me something for it
ayo kikeberg wherez dem reperationz an sheit homie??

Goldberg hardly touched him. Bret is fragile and can't bump right.

because he did MOVEZ

Bret was never hurt, he just quit the business because he was assmad about the bigger draws in WCW getting better booking. It's shitty of him to use Goldberg as a scapegoat for all these years.

The Bret worship these days is so fucking weird. It came out of nowhere too. One day everyone just decided he was the god of wrestling.

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Bret has always been a wrestler that people either hated or loved. Now that wrestling is so fake in every aspect people are becoming nostalgic for "marks" like Bret Hart, as he made everything look as real as possible and took everything serious like a shoot.

The nigman

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DSOTR. Everyone has made their minds up based on the journalism from vice.
In other words, they're retards, and that's a shoot brother.

I blame CM Phil and FTR Bald for this.

Bret's a good wrestler, but he's not the GOAT or even close. The over the top praise for him is bizarre to me.

Next time go to the hospital if you think you got a concussion instead of going to work and getting dropped on your head

Bret was unironically the total package. He was great at everything, and everyone in the audience believed he could beat anyone up and make them submit (despite what Hogan thinks).

Bret was massively over outside of the US. Being a Bret fan makes faggot US Redditors feel international and cool to like someone so unAmerican. This is exactly why Phil loves Bret so much.

Bret did it to himself to continue to wrestle even after the doctors told him he was concussed and shouldn't be wrestling

>Goldberg cost me $16 million
Can someone please explain this figure to me? Where has he got that figure from because I can't see how he's arrived at it...

Brets brain is scrambled eggs. He literally fucks a nigger nowadays.

he's the oppressed non-problematic pure wrestler that got fucked over by the rich ones so the twittertrannies and marks in the ring lick his boots

best explanation i've seen

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