I'm never shorting BTC again, I'm almost liquidated

I'm never shorting BTC again, I'm almost liquidated.
Don't listen to the bobos bros.

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what was your starting price and what's your liquidation price


20k and liqed at 22741

it's not going to 22k

it went from 20k to 21.5k nigger

yeah you're gonna get scamwicked

You should try trading the 5 minutely instead with higher leverage and tighter stops

Too much leverage nigga

all i´ve shorted to date was waves, since im pretty much hodling everything and i have no regrets despite the director asking the bagholders to not do so. Lol

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I hadn't done futures until now, any tips I can use in the future?

>almost liquidated
>have never done futures
retard yes you have

Post portfolio

I listened to the bobos, I had a vague understanding of how futures worked, did my homework.
Was a bit tipsy and put a high leverage thinking BTC would crash down to 10k like the nigger bobos told me and now im fucked.
What lesson can I learn here other than not fucking with high leverages?

Play with leveraged tokens to start out with

why would you short 20k with so much leverage and so soon? you literally gambled

I don't have any crypto any more aside from 60k usdc and an eth. All the rest went into real estate where I abused tax loopholes and didn't pay any. I generate profit on 1.5m worth of real estate and I don't have to pay taxes as long as I hold it for 10 years. I might just be euphoric bobo but really do think we're gonna see lower lows.

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You're euphoric in your cash position

Forgot mine

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>listening to others in the most competitive sector
we need more people like you

What made you think you could predict the future? Schizophrenia?

Lmao faggot, Muh internet tokens are assets...

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