*kills pokemon*

*kills pokemon*

Attached: nupokemon.png (591x720, 599.56K)

*kills Pokemon*

Attached: killer.jpg (592x533, 86.4K)

What does this mean? Did they all kill pokemon or was SS the last straw? How are black and x considered new? X is almost a decade old.

SS killed pokemon but Legend of Arceus reborn the franchise from the ashes
Sun moon was the best Pokemon game until Arceus by the way

Remove based gen 5 from that list of shitty nu-Pokemon games

USUM > BW > XY > BW2 > SM > Sword and Shit

13 (THIRTEEN) whole YEARS since the last decent pokemon game
HOLY SHIT how is this franchise still afloat

BW2 > BW > Most Pokemon games > Shit > XY = ORAS > SM = USUM > SWSH

? USUM was less than 5 years ago and SM was a year before that. Even not counting them it would actually be 14 years.

Pokemon Go and Youtube Influencers


discord thread

Why would you want it to be lonely when it fits right in with the others?
Do you hate it that much?

Attached: 1644783839453.png (1920x1080, 1.12M)

All Sinnoh is shit

USUM was five years ago and PLA is only 2 months old, get a grip user

This image doesn't have BDSP under Sinnoh

>Why would you want it to be lonely when it fits right in with the others?
Except it doesn't, since BW and BW2 are actually good.
And mechanically the line would be drawn at ORAS since that was the last game to have the complete National Dex and tile based maps

Wrong: BW belongs with the rest of the modern garbage; B2W2 was the last true classic game.

Other way around, tranny.

It doesnt have it for a very convenient re-I mean oops he forgot to add it haha

I'm not even homosexual but you are a real idiot if you truly believe that. BW has almost every problem you can find in modern Pokémon games. B2W2 has almost none of that and fully takes advantage of the new engine for a proper Pokémon experience.