Was anyone really surprised he turned out to be a villain? Good characters don’t make this kind of face

Was anyone really surprised he turned out to be a villain? Good characters don’t make this kind of face.

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Nope, the second he was revealed I knew he was evil and Cyrus ancestor was good. It was obvious that Cynthia's ancestor was going to be more than the funny merchant but I couldn't think of his real motives because I didn't care

In addition to what said, the moment he taught you the back strike technique made it clear that he was the main antagonist.

I unironically figured it out because he always pops out everywhere to explain shit. Japanese always have villains do that

I figured he was a villain because he had no obvious role in the plot but showed up way too often. That and he seemed fake as fuck

It surprised me in the sense that I give so little of a shit about Gamefreak's bad stories that I barely gave him a thought

Yes but that's also why it was obvious because they're obsessed with le twist villain since xy

>Friend of mine says he was legitimately surprised by him being evil
>A character that knows WAY too much and legitimately has a maniacal laughter breakdown before it's "revealed"

I still liked him, though.

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to be honest during pre release period i did not pay attention, so after the leaks learning that notCynthia was a villian was mildly shocking and then it kind of made sense
i imagine if people were surprised its mostly cause of a lack of caring as well
it's the little things

Cynthia is a sexual predator so not surprised in the slightest

I was, I thought he just going to be another annoying rival like Hau or Hop. He didn't give me any vibes that he was going to be a twist villian unlike Lusamine.

The moment I saw that his name began with a V I knew he was pure evil.

valerie isn't evil

>since xy
Who was the twist villain in XY?

Lysandre’s message after you beat Olympia is treated like some grand revelation that everyone is shocked by for some reason

Oh, I was thinking a twist like the player is surprised; not the NPCs. Maybe the Champ fight in USUM? Or your rival in RBY?

I meant Lysandre. Lusamine wasn't much of a surprise either, the first cutscene is Lillie fleeing from Aether. And Rose another Lysandre. To be fair Volo was a bit more surprising, since some people apparently thought Cynthia's ancestor can't be evil he's just really into stone plates

In the vacuum that is Pokemon; he's one of the better plot twists. I did figure it out before the reveal, but it was a slow process full of uncertainty.

They gave him stereotypical anime villian eyes, if you didnt see that shit coming from a mile away you would have never survived in the wild against predators.

Volo reminds me a bit of Adachi

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You know Lyssandre was full of shit since the first second with his ''muh better world''.
Rose revelation is the same, but is somehow fun
>Announces he will summon some ''Satan'' in the middle of a competition and TV
>Doesn't elaborate further and Leaves.

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I knew the plot twist was related to him and then seeing the spoiler posted on here or Any Forums confirmed it. still haven't' finished the game.

What a sultry minx.