What is causing inflation? Every normie thinks it's because of him

What is causing inflation? Every normie thinks it's because of him.

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governments printing/creating money

every government in the world turning on the gibs faucet with stimulus money, business bailouts, money printing in general, etc.

so it's because of Trump's stimulus package?

Putin's Price Hike

at uni i learned it's because of republicans, so trump

It was me, and I'm not going to stop, I hate you guys

governments dont print/create money
central banks/commercial banks arent government institutions

Nice capitalisation there

look up how the monetary system works. every time the government spends money it's not coming out of taxes, dollars used are simply printed into existence. inflation is a natural and expected consequence of a system where the money supply is always increasing. the money supply is now increasing at an exponential rate as governments are printing more money to pay off the interest on their debts, creating even greater interest burdens, et cetera

I did it. I've been printing the money.

we can dispense with the artifice, when a government spends it contracts a debt from the banking system, this expands the money supply

Thanks Obama

The normies are mostly right. Supply chain has returned to normal for the most part and inflation has been driven the last couple quarters mainly by gas/energy prices. Biden's administration has made clear their disdain for oil and gas and passed all kinds of policy to make it more difficult to drill for oil and transport it to where it needs to go. The sanctions against Russia aren't helping either, although there's basically unanimous support in DC for them and even if Trump was still in the White House those would have been put in place.

You managed to mention Trump somehow... while the OP was about the current executive.

If I were stupid enough to vote for Biden, I’d probably delude myself into thinking this was all Trump’s fault too.

>he repeats mainstream news talking points

We are suffering from both too much money in circulation and too few products and services. Our problems are both supply and demand. The fed rate hike was designed to reduce demand by making people poorer and therefore unable to buy things. A crude demand side solution which does not effect supply issues at all. Sure we could remove Russian sanctions and try to normalize relations with Russia and China to resolve the supply issue while we subsidize American production. Maybe have some grants for factory starts and some sort of incentive to get back to work. But I think they’re going for a more outside the box solution. Both demand and supply side inflation can be solved with one simple trick: fewer people. And there are plenty of ways they could achieve that. War with Russia or China, killing people off with the vax, or even better push us closer and closer to civil war and light the spark.

Half of inflation has come from record corporate profits:

i noticed inflation starting in food prices when zion don was still president. both boaz and jachin voted to give trillions to israel and their failed wars while shipping our entire manufacturing sector overseas.

he gets blame for being in charge but idk if he was the actually guilty one

first its best to clarify what we mean by inflation
inflation of the money supply started long long ago
inflation of the prices(what everyone is actually concerned about) is partly blamed on the former, partly blamed on the nonsense sanction response to the invasion

Whether you support one side or the other is irrelevant, the invasion has been in the works a long time in both the military and economic sense. The sanctions were expected and mitigated before a single bullet was fired. The damage they inflict on Russia is a fraction of the damage inflicted on ourselves. Kneejerk responses made by people with the memory of a fortnight and equivalent foresight. The west is posturing, showing response because it feels obligated to but it is not willing to do what it takes to actually stop Russia. No one wants a land conflict in eastern europe and Russia knows this. They are calling the wests bluff and the west is doubling down. It'll be an expensive fold

Joe Biden, the man whose electoral argument in 2008 and 2020 was “I’m one of the main power brokers in Washington DC, I get things done” is absolutely to blame for the decades-long reckoning we’re now going through, he and his political class has been whistling pass the graveyard in an attempt to get elected just one more term
The Biden Administration can’t be blamed because they’re too incompetent to be responsible for anything, inflation included
It’s been interesting watching /leftypol/ go from “the stimulus isn’t the majority of the M1 increase you right-wing chuds, why do you want grandma to starve to death” to “you right wing chuds cause this with your Trump inflation stimulus”
You were right the first time, the increases in M1 were driven by the Fed and have nothing to do with whatever dumb bullshit Congress passes
> I’m not leftypol, I’m heckin basearino just like you!
Then why are you vomiting back their talking points, blaming Orange Man With Scary Tweets, in every thread?

deffo Biden who du med things up

i could do with some mean tweets right now

It is the Federal Reserve printing money is the base cause. There are other contributing factors like gas prices but the vast majority of the issue lies with central banks printing fiat. Much of it was done under Trump, but Biden isn’t exactly helping. It just goes to show that
>the people you vote for have very little control over the situation
>central banking and fiat currency should be abolished
You should buy Bitcoin, or any crypto with a finite supply. Also ammo.

>he thinks the government is incompetent instead of purposefully engineering the unavoidable collapse