You are the new Director of one of the future Pokémon titles

You are the new Director of one of the future Pokémon titles
You have carte blanche

Save the Pokémon franchise with one comment

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Explicit PokéPorn

We already have that.


Based af

Fire Turner, then hire him again for a new position as a shitposter on Any Forums.

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Kys stupid coomer

Bomb a hospital

Make credits roll as soon as picking a gender. Will make troons seethe and the entire thing game qualify as post game, two birds with one throw.

Totally wipe out half the shit you can do in battle and give competitive players only 10 seconds to react between turns. Let's see these professionals on the fly.

the pokedex has 50 unevolved pokemon + their evolutions only. fuck dextrannies

I change nothing, acquire as many Pokestocks as I can and relocate to a private Dubai Island

shut down pokemon go after importing previous accounts into pokemon vr, an open world game as a service. your pokeball plus also functions in vr.

Let's use the old art work on 3D too, more spikes, more fangs more claws

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You start the game in a randomly picked town on the map which also determines your rivals (which are unique characters to each starting town)

Make some of the dialogue or text in the game have cleverly hidden n-words and have the player's name change to different gay pornstar names after every couple hours of playthrough

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First thing I will do is cancel the current gen 9 game, withdraw all released games from stores and stop supporting them, shutting down all servers and so on. Then I will somehow manage to do this with the anime too.

Then I will restart gen 9 as gen (1+2)^2 using heartgold and soulsilver as a base and fire everyone at game freak, hiring competent designers and developers instead, who havent burned out decades ago. Then I will market this as the ultimate nostalgia revival, Pokemon as it always was intended, a Kanto+Johto as an open world 3D game with coop and online play and a "dynamically growing world" which releases new areas and fills up the dex gradually each month, with the canonical ashnime rebooted in kanto+johto with ash, brock and misty, and misty+ash will become a canonical pairing, the season 1 finale ending with ash beating the kanto elite four, trashing his rival and misty giving him a kiss, and season 2 ending with him beating the johto championship after a slight timeskip so as is a young adult/teen at around 15-17 years.

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Replace Leaf with Green in Masters

Have all the past features and mechanics on the next game, have the BotW team work on it and have all pokémon to be catchable in-game. Also, release it on PC.

add romance options but do not clarify for pokemon or humans until release to watch chaos unfold

Take more inspiration from 3D Zelda.

>terrible ideas
Pick two and always two

shift the expenses on making a brand-new PMD game, TF Ash into a Pikachu for advertising; subtlely pander to the furry deep state by allowing customization of your bro'mons both in the main games and in PMD, allowing you to make your own 'sonas. And annouce a new Pokémon Legends set in Unova, with a aesthetic based around both the Pilgrims and the Native Americans (Iroquois mainly)

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