Most pokemon either Evolve super fucking late or 60% of the pokedex is only available after getting 7 badges

>most pokemon either Evolve super fucking late or 60% of the pokedex is only available after getting 7 badges
For what purpose

Attached: Unova_B2W2_alt.png (1280x837, 2M)

I played BW2 using Pawniard as my starter with zero problems. Stop being bad.

>For what purpose.
A story that continues after credits.

- gen 5 devs

What thread did you get BTFO'd in that caused you to start this one OP you colossal faggot.

Yes, because they did it soulfully.

I feel bad for these retards, they're forever malding

It's more soulful than whatever the fuck XY was doing, but less soulful than a completely optional part of USUM.
>In USUM if you bring your starter to right outside the Pokemon League, they bust out of their ball to have a little scene with you
>At the start of BW, you likely only have your starter Pokemon, and N speaks with them briefly through the Pokeball apparently
>At the end of BW, N tells you what your Pokemon told him at the start of the game
BW would be so much better if there was an actual interaction with N and your Pokemon, given this is also the generation where trainers can do a cut-in mid battle to say something.

>Another Unova bad thread

Attached: Jibanyan.png (540x482, 190.04K)

>BW would be so much better if there was an actual interaction with N and your Pokemon
I feel like the era was the reason, which might be soulful in remakes, ignoring remakes ruining literally everything else

BW is a shit game but this isn't really one of the problems with it. The game is easy enough without having fully evolved Pokemon and grinding Pokemon to evolve them for the dex takes almost no time anyway.

You know we played the game right? Like, as in I have played the game several times so I know this isn't true. You are lying to people who will know that you're lying. Are you fucking stupid?

Jibanyan my love

What OP didn't tell you is that said pokemon are also found at high levels to begin with and were intended to be used instead of evolving immediately after a level. This works much better in BW2 where all of the late bloomers can obtained before the league with the exception of Hydreigon who was clearly intended to be a postgame pokemon like the Beldum line in RSE.

>60% of the pokedex is only available after getting 7 badges

demonstrareably false

It actually has a post game

>it actually has a shorter and more linear campaign

So you can't grind like a greasy basement creature and have a full set of fully evolved 'mons by the 5th gym.

Gen 5 is the dogshit ear quality of the pokemon franchise

it's like that because the game is linear as fuck so you're forced to find all the pokemon in a straight line. In gen 1 by the time you get to the 4th gym you already have practically the entire dex available to you so the pokemon don't need to evolve so late.

This man knows.