What's Any Forums's thoughts on nicknames? Do you think it's necessary to name all your Pokemon?

What's Any Forums's thoughts on nicknames? Do you think it's necessary to name all your Pokemon?

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absolutely necessary. all the time. bonus points if they end with -y.

I don't thnk anything is "necessary", it's a chlidren games ffs. Let people do what they want and stop trying policing everything, you fucker.

But as for myself, I only nickname the pokémons I know I'll use in battle.

I nickname all my mons. Just whatever pops in my head at the moment but I give more care to ones I like or use.

If a Pokemon has any value to you, you must give it a name to make it special

If its gonna rot in a box or its a mythical/legendary than no. My own team absolutely although i havent named Basculegion yet because i literally cannot think of a cooler name.

I have never and will never nickname my Pokémon

I only name pokemon that I use in my playthroughs of the story. Pokemon bred for competitive don't get names.
Although I do appreciate that now I can end up using my storymons in competitive thanks to bottle caps, mints, ability patches, and the new way to breed moves.

Ash didn't so I didn't

Not necessary, but it helps a lot more with immersion if you call your Charmander "George" instead of Charmander.

I feel obligated to nickname any pokemon that have a major role in my main playthrough teams now, other than that i'll give nicknames on a case by case basis like cool shinies or ribbon/battle tower pokemon.

I reserve Nicknames for Pokemon I use for Playthroughs, Competitive or Shinies. I don't think it's necessary, but it makes them feel more special if I name them, especially with the latter 2 conditions

I never name them, I don't have any good ideas

I nickname every single thing i've ever caught and still don't know why
I almost never use the same one twice, either
even if it's just box fodder
not naming something feels wrong to me now

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I don't name them often, like 90% of the time I play they just have their regular names. Definitely not necessary, but if I think I can name them something that doesn't sound stupid I might.

it's reddit, and i'm tired of pretending it's not

I don't nickname anything, the only times I've tried to I just stopped caring about that mon entirely and boxed it

>the only times I've tried to I just stopped caring about that mon entirely and boxed it
really? it's the opposite for me
if i don't nickname a mon it feels dumb and meaningless

Whenever I nickname a Pokemon I think it sounds like shit after a bit so I either change it or dump it in the PC after I'm done with it and let it rot. I build affection to Pokemon easier without a nickname funnily enough. I don't need a super special name to know that it's my Gliscor. I've used the fucker for dozens of hours. I know that it's my fucking Gliscor

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I nickname any that I intend to use, if its just for a dex entry i don't bother.
Usually go with something that rhymes or something odd that pops into my head like Snippy Joe (Krabby) and Jimmy Fresh (Scraggy)