Landlord UK suicide watch

> Ben Cameron*, 60, has now decided to sell his 30 buy-to-lets, a portfolio he had built to fund retirement. “It is the final nail in the coffin. The Government is derailing my pension plan. I have no idea what I will do to look after my family or where I will go for security now,” he said.
Hope he dies in the gutter.

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He sells 30 properties and doesnt have enough for retirement with 60? Kek

Kick the bucket boomer

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I bet you do and can’t afford to die over unpaid rent but let’s block access to banks and abuse poor people so they stay that way

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Who would you prefer to own the property you rent? The government? Blackrock? Or are you living in a fantasy where housing just magically appears and maintains itself and you get to live in it for free?

Serious question.

Finance and economics are pseudoscientific make believe garbage, capitalism is inherently unstable, exploitative and unsustainable with a built in expiration date. All finance assets like money,crypto,debt,bonds etc are purely parasitic in nature and serve no purpose nor have any inherent value and private property is theft. Ever escalating recessions, poverty, disease, pollution, slavery and wars are fundamental and necessary functions of it and every single financier(landlord, banker, boss etc)or crypto dudebro is a literal parasite.

So because he can't just evict people arbitrarily whenever he wants with 2 months notice, the whole business plan is just undoable now? Does he not realize that students don't just go to scho for 1 year and need a place to live in the summer too?

I didn't just leave my apartment because my semester ended, fucking boomers kek. I hope he gets no bids, RE crashes and he goes bankrupt as his hoard of houses rots on the open market

We must install a ruthless, bloated, totalitarian government instead and then eat the bugs!

Finance and economics are pseudoscientific make believe garbage, capitalism is inherently unstable, exploitative and unsustainable with a built in expiration date. All finance assets like money,crypto,debt,bonds etc are purely parasitic in nature and serve no purpose nor have any inherent value and private property is theft. Ever escalating recessions, poverty, disease, pollution, slavery and wars are fundamental and necessary functions of it and every single financier or crypto dudebro is a literal parasite.

Parasites and bootlickers such as yourself will all be soon euthanised. If water, shelter and food are not provided and have to be fought for then society has literally no reason to exist other to subjugate and enslave everything innocent and beautiful.

this is copy pasta and shitty at that

They don’t care. It’s just the low eq 5 minutes hate liberals who can’t think beyond one step.

That's great, now answer his question schizo.

? If you live in a house you own it and nobody can own property they dont use. I already answered it are you braindead or something? Private property cant exist

All those things are provided for, retard. You just have to exchange worthless paper/digits for it. You dumb commie liberals would rather go back to killing each other.

>but but government can provide it for free

No it can’t. Government can’t do shit. Government is people as well. You’re looking for paradise. Let me tell you something: it doesn’t exist. Now go move to china, you absolute dingleberry retard. Your parents should have kicked the shit out of you.

>Housing at peak prices
>Selling 30 lots
>60 years old
How is this boomer not able to retire of this?

Why old people need money?

Just do some calisthenics and eat healthy before your 60-70yo and then die

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Uh huh, now define “use”.

boomers don't need money for stuff.
they need it because they are insatiable psychopaths.

>Ben Cameron*
Topkek, bet his real name is David Goldstein or Abdul Rahman

The Telegraph is run for the banks and establishment.
Read about this guy who wrote negative articles about HSBC and got a call from the editor who was called by HSBC, who threatened to pull advertising:

Live in it? Lmao

>sells 30 properties
>can't retire on that money
why are boomers so stupid

Owning my own apartment means I pay over 60% less per month to live in it. Paying rent in my country is more expensive in 95% of the cases and rent prices keep rising more than my utilies are. Rentlets are fucking stupid.

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>owns 30 properties
>isn't using the excess proceeds to top up a SIPP which gives complete tax relief up to 40k per year


Letting out a property or room for some extra income is fine
Buying dozens of townhouses, cramming 3 'studio flats' in each one and renting for £1k a pop is psychopathy

boomers at every level of government have manipulated zoning laws to make housing more scarce and pump their own bags
ancaps and commies alike should drag them out into the streets for this