What if we made a pokemon game where every single fight was doubles...

>what if we made a pokemon game where every single fight was doubles, every single pokemon must be catched during these doubles fights, and theres only 48 of them (with 90% being literal dex filler)

What the fuck were they thinking?

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they were thinking about making a based game, thank you GS

shut up retard, it was kino

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this game is proof that retards will cock suck any game they have nostalgia for regardless of how objectively terrible it is

your post is proof that youre a retard who will suck cock

but enough about XY

Literally played it for the first time 2 months ago and enjoyed it
You are just a bitter nigger

I enjoy bad games too sometimes.

These threads always end up the same
This is the truth
20 years later they'll call swsh a masterpiece

>pick the style that allows for more complex strategy
>removes most of the bullshit filler of the mainline games (and stuff that wasn’t filler as well don’t start reeing at me)
>seriously restrict the species that can be obtained and only let them get captured at specific points in the story to better curate the boss battles for difficulty
>trying to capture a pokemon while its allies whittle you down (and potentially down the one you’re trying to catch) is pretty exciting

Total shitfest, on top of this it came out before the phys/spec split which makes it effectively unplayable. Balding millennials only like this game for nostalgia.

>>pick the style that allows for more complex strategy
Too bad there is no complex strategy and it just devolves into the same "click A with the same lead pokemon the entire game to win" gameplay as the mainline games.

The mainline games should have moved to exclusively double battles at the same time VGC did if not sooner. Doubles are better than singles, fight me

>before the phys/spec split which makes it effectively unplayable

Games prior to the split are absolute trash.

They were thinking "fuck Square, we'll make our own JRPGs". It didn't turn out well.

dammit hammond, i keep wanting to make fun of you for your stupid user name but i can't do that if you keep being based.

no one was bitching about colloseum when it came out

Why did her hair move like antennas? Cringe

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Before or after, they're the same baby's first rpg where you mash A and win. Oh you mean competitive? The fans giving these garbage games the astronomical sales they don't deserve don't care about that.


what is the name of that like... old japanese call noise battle cry or whatever that they make when the logs are about to drop?