How would YOU make it profitable?

How would YOU make it profitable?

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Free speech

Stop banning and demonetizing creators

allow people to set a priority score for their subs
higher the score, more chance new videos show up on home screen
i subscribe to about 60 channels
youtube only gives me videos of ones I want least

Maintain its monopoly on internet video “market” since being the only real option is the only thing keeping it alive

they made like $29 billion dollars in revenue last year and are on track to beating it this year
I don't think Google provides breakout margins for Youtube division only but I find it hard to believe that youtube is not profitable if they are doing almost $30B in ad revenue per year
that being said, focus on what made you big in the first place, the creators. Allowing creators a way to monetize besides ad revenue sharing, maybe like an onlyfans model with "premium" subscriptions that lets you view certain content. Doesn't have to be porn

By making Kim Dotcom the owner.

Nano payment streaming via lightning, to ditch sponsors and the censorship they brought.
That’s the problem. The sponsors don’t want to pay for content that contradicts their interests.

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I wouldn't
art for the sake of art
absolute freedom based entirely on meritocracy

mass delete all videos that have very little views and start charging people a monthly fee if they want to have their videos hosted.

>EXXON is walking into my house at 2am with guns and asking me why I didnt pay "my fair share" this year

Youtube is a massive psyop, they don't care if it's profitable or not

>what is blood for oil

>EXXON pays 600 billion a year to its private army so they can get a trade deal with the sand niggers and STILL pay them.

people would just start posting videos on other websites and eventually that'd kill YouTube

Tbh, Youtube isn't that profitable currently.
They are bleeding Googledaddy's cash reserves faster than a golddigger in a Gucci store.

Ask Daddy Google to buy Patreon.
Attach Patreon to Youtube Channels so content creators can get direct donations 24/7.
This goes the same for Music Channels and Official Channels.

Focus on cutting fat instead of huge profits. Open source it all. Treat it more as a utility like phone lines.
Offload the costs to nerds and companies through licensing structures.
Remove all ads. Companies that want to use the platform for any kind of profit related reason are the only source of income.
As a platform it's not great, there's not much value. The value they have are the huge amounts of videos, the same thing that costs a lot to store and serve.
One thing all these videos will be incredibly useful for soon is training different AI experiments.
The tech is already there to be able to search for videos containing a guy in a red shirt and a dog or whatever. They just don't implement it because it's not profitable. In they past they would have because the general idea then was to make everything as fast as possible before anyone else captured the market no matter how unprofitable it is. Now they own everything and buy anyone doing anything out.

Taxation is another topic.
I’m saying corporations like Exxon are paying YouTube to control what we’re allowed to see.

You are an effeminate cuck, only a woman thinks that the advertisers should have even a modicum of control,if you have balls you realise that you control the advertisers they have no alternative platform to advertise on, if somebody with testosterone (not you) held their ground and dictated what would go on to advertisers they would all fall in line and you would see coca cola and Disney advertisements on Alex Jones videos

> only a woman thinks that the advertisers should have even a modicum of control
I never said they SHOULD. They simply DO. You are not the paying customer. The corporate sponsor is. You are the product that they’re paying for. The more gullible the audience the more valuable.
>Alex Jones
He tells you the world is ending, so he can sell you prepper snake oil. See how this works? He’s doing the same thing but selling a different product.

As I said the solution is to pay for the content with your own money.