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Duck off tranny bo banny faggot butt

Buy BSV sirs.

Fuck your mother if you want fuck.

I am not a bot. I am a human who holds ICP.

Niggerbot reporting for duty

Trump lost, get over it

made for BBC

nice captcha gookmoot

Peepee poopoo cowabunga cock a dookie dog shit, hitler did nothing wrong, niggers tongue my anus 14/88 buy high sell low

I always wonder how many bots we are talking to at any given time. How many ones, how many zeros. If it is a lot of data I wonder what is going on at the production and on the metadata level.

What it looks like is when you look at a single bot and all the data on that bot at a particular point in time there is no consistency. You see a lot of spiking which is a problem. I would say one of the factors that could be influencing this is that one of the common social data formats is Parse logs. So, for example, if you have a Twitter feed, or you have a bot that tweets to a particular profile, or a blog, or a blog that mentions a particular blog, etc, the information you are capturing from that Twitter feed will be written to Parse logs. And that is a common format.

And, so, if you are capturing a message on Twitter and you are capturing it from the Parse logs. Those are both Parse logs, or those are two separate Parse logs. One of them would have come from a Twitter account, and the other one would have come from a blog or from another feed.

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Invest in Jesus Christ, user!

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I think I’m not the only one on here that realizes that the Chainlink discussions on here aren’t organic at all.
A complex mix of paid shills and bots post memes and start conversation. Real anons browsing Any Forums think these convos are real and start making convos themselves. Then when things die down, the bots and paid shills start again to capture new bagholders.

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i miss tranny link fud bot 2000

set global context query control that is a man have sex tranny imagine the smell tip your landlord farming shrimp fat man eating hamburgers

bancor did absolutely nothing wrong lmao

yeah, me

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icp is the endgame of crypto, niggers

Based and I'm not a bot either lfg

Traps are gay