Harmony chuds

Harmony chuds

Are you slurping bridged tokens at discount prices in hopes they repeg or is it donezo aka over aka rip

Goddamit I should have bought turk chain or tranny chain instead

Attached: 623-6236566_harmony-one-crypto-harmony-blockchain-logo-hd-png.png (860x525, 102.8K)

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It's over

Long time /h1g/ here...
I don't even they they have 100m in actual ONE, let along 100m liquid assets like eth and stables to cover the short fall. The ecosystem was the whole selling point, and it's in shambles now.

*think they have
(they being the Harmony team)

I agree it's likely over this is a death blow. The only reason ONE's price is somewhat holding up is becuase everyone is selling their bridged assets into any native coin on chain.

Debating whether I should even bother unstaking because in 7 days when everyone's one unstakes the price is going to fucking plummet through the floor.

>slurping bridged tokens at discount prices in hopes they repeg
No I slurped them because the cultists are hoping for a repeg and they're delusional enough to push the price back down for me in the short term.

insider here
they had the bridge private keys stored in plain text in a "secure terminal" which was just a random qubes behind their firewall
the team is scared shitless because the funding was already getting dry
they didnt cashout that much during the bull run and spent a good chunk partying and networking

they are trying to get a bailout (right now in talks with binance, ftx and paradigm) but it looks like there is no interest from their part

>Harmoney gONE

>Harmoney nONE

>Harmoney dONE


Attached: 1639695435769.png (256x350, 200.96K)

WONE/1USDC is already back down 42% from the top this morning.

Attached: cultist.png (514x259, 12.78K)

I believe it

Binance will bail them out just like they did with Axie. Binance makes money on liquidity, and they still hold something like 500m ONE tokens. It would be in their best interest to do so.



CZ has unironically got them.

Attached: IMG_20190712_164647.png (372x562, 354.36K)

God why the fuck did I not get out when they dumped their wallet with no warning and no reason.

Fuck this chink coin scamchain I fucking hate Chinks

>CZ has unironically got them.

Attached: 1649791436802.jpg (1024x836, 220.48K)

Harmony is about to pump fucking hard. Get in while you can. Check the volume.

Why not buy the chain that has literally over 250 engineers and cryptographers working full time on it to make sure the architecture is robust? It's also the only chain with a literal search engine built on top of it

It does look like it's about to move big one way or the other. 1USDC is refusing to dump any further as well.

The price is moving up. The very least it means bottom is in.

The bottom isn’t it in retard

All native harmony coins are pumping because everyone is scrambling to sell bridged tokens. That’s the only reason harmony isn’t stable right now. In 6 days when peoples delegations unfreeze you will see the biggest dump you’ve ever seen

Alright. All I know is anyone who ever acts like you on biz is a clear buy signal. I've only lost money listening to angry replies.

Go ahead and buy you dumb bitch. Check in next week and let us know how that went

Get as mad as you want but I just covered my shorts and went long just in case.

Weren't they able to freeze most of the assets?