Hey guys, I'm actually working on the localization team for Pokemon Scarlet and Violet...

Hey guys, I'm actually working on the localization team for Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, they just gave us a new Pokemon to use in promotional art and videos. I can't share typing aince we weren't informed but it's a pretty cool design nonetheless, I'll have more to share in the coming months! Take care!

Attached: fakemon.png (512x512, 91.11K)

this was made with the pokemon ai thing.

>retards are going to keep posting the nokemon shit as fake leaks now
Fucking end yourself

They literally don't use the 3d models in promo shit faggot

this is a lie reporters, do not believe this
adrive, ruffletrowlet, do not believe the lie they are making, they do not provide the proof that it came from an ai

Go to bed you have school tomorrow retard.

Kill. Your. Self.
t. Adrive

also a lie, do not believe that
haters gonna hate

>image is literally titled "fakemon.png"
Don't change Any Forums
Don't change.

if this is adrive... screenshotted and shipped so i can post it on twitter to get you cancelled

This is a lie, do not believe it reporters. OP is a schizo mega faggot who thinks nokemon is a valid source

that is just a misspell from my side
it's actually "bakemon" that i meant to wrote

You're a retard if you actually think that any of those influenzas would sign their name to something that inflammatory

>gaslighting and lying
anyway, do not believe what this retard says

i screenshotted and im gonna cancel you adrive
you're done adrive

How many layers of irony are you on?

Okay schlong schlurper

Wow! Such a good looking and marvelous Pokemon
I hope we get to know his typing and moves!


Jilted i see, faggot
t. Jwittz

ok you will be cancelled

Sure i will, get bent cretin
t. Hoodlumscrafty

I hate black people

This is fake as shit, leakers should be a bannable offense after the swsh bullshit just about fucked over the shite

ok, canceled
do not believe this lie.

Shove it noodle dick
t. Tyranitartube