Reminder that house prices will only go up no matter how much you fags keep desperately pushing the narrative that...

Reminder that house prices will only go up no matter how much you fags keep desperately pushing the narrative that they’ll crash with this “upcoming recession”.

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okay then

i mean i CAN DREAM

The number of homes in my city went up 10% in one week.

thats true everywhere except war affected places right?

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This is how gay you are.

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what can we do to make it in this world now, bros?

hope to win the lottery to be able to buy a house now?

Eh we all end up dead anyway

tfw they took everything from us except copium

where did we go so wrong bros

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just rent

they do that already

that's been the situation for years

i don't WANT to rent
i don't WANT to live next to niggers and spics, been there done that
i don't WANT to throw a quarter of my paycheck down the drain every single month

i want to build equity and have my own land that i can pass on to my kids in the future

Where OP? in places like LATAM good properties worth 1/3rd of current market value related to Real State, are at its historical bottom idk wtf u talking

Anyone who thinks housing will get cheaper is a complete retard that knows nothing about the world.
t. high inflation 3rd world country "citizen"

that's what they said back in 2005-2007
then 2008 happened

First you would need to have kids, and since you're here that's kinda not happening

Then 2020-2022 happened

Why do you insist on posting demoralization posts op? We all know you just hate yourself and have no life.

I rather live comfy while I am alive than being a fucking hobo

me and my gf have been together for 5 years, gonna tie the knot soon.

and no, i'm not having kids until i can get a house. i refuse to raise kids around subhumans