If all of them went to highschool who would be popular who would be bullied? which ones would be friends?

If all of them went to highschool who would be popular who would be bullied? which ones would be friends?

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quilladin would be in special ed and thus unbullyable

The pig and gator look like the school bullies.

Marshtomp too

thwackey, torracat, croconaw
bayleef, wartortle
>quiet kids
dartrix, quilava, raboot
>that one ugly fat popular kid
>posh dickheads
grovyle, prinplup, frogadier
>the popular girls
servine, braixen, brionne
grotle, charmeleon
>pe tryhards
charmeleon, dewott
>that kid who's always angry
>the loud annoying kid
>the kid who trys too hard to fit in
>special needs

Thwackey would be voiced by Whoopi Goldberg

Isn't Quilava inspired by a specific Japanese delinquent?

>special needs
It does look retarded, especially in 3D, but I love it nonetheless. Fuecoco, on the other hand, is harder for me to like.

Brioone, Braixen are builled for being a mtf tranny

>Fuecoco, on the other hand, is harder for me to like.
Give it 20 years like you have Marshtomp.

Twackey, Grovyle, Charmeleon, Brionne, Wartortle
Servine, Braixen, Prinplup, Torracat, Pignite
Dartrix, Drizzile, Bayleef, Quilava, Raboot
>that kid
Quilladin, Marshtomp, Grotle, Crocanaw
Ivysaur and Bayleef, Grovyle and Servine, Combusken and Monferno, Dewott and Raboot
bullshit, i've seen tards get bullied by normal kids

According to to this, Typhlosion is. Though Cyndaquil would jus be a quiet shy school kid considering it’s personality, so Quilava is when it starts becoming a delinquent considering the punk Mohawk.

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>bullshit, i've seen tards get bullied by normal kids
that's pretty fucked up. you stopped them right

But which starters would make up The Breakfast Club?

Thanks, that's the one. I could never unsee the schoolbag thing for Cyndaquil

Ivysaur: Weird fat kid, mostly set aside than bullied
Charmeleon: 100% bully, edgy, more bark than bite
Wartortle: Charmeleon's back up bitch, cries easily when confronted
Bayleef: "one of the guys" girl, popular
Quilava: lean jock, definitely popular right now, bald and fat later
Croconaw: Like charmeleon, but succesful.
Grovyle: Popular and chadly, avoids fights because he knows he can't take a hit
Mashtomp: Autistic nerd, runs with his arms to the side because he saw Mario do it, girls are nice to him out of pity
Combusken: Would be a jock if he didn't take his karate course so seriously that everyone else just thinks he's a weirdo
Prinplup: Rich kid, everyone pretends to like him, but only pretends
Monferno: Fairly normal, can go in and out of other social groups
Grotle: Sits with Marshtomp during lunch embarrased of being there
Dewott: Weaboo, owns a sword, avoids being bullied only because he has a good face
Pignite: leaves no table unturned and no lunch money nstolen
Servine: Has enough wit to actualy be liked for more than just his cash
Frogadier: Found out that being in the swimming team isn't a surefire route to pussy the hard way
Braixen: Stacy as fuck, kind of a bitch
Dartrix: Has never known a day of peace since high school started. Daydreams about owning a tech company and "t-they will work for me one day..."
Torracat: Bro chad with a sense of justice, nerdy kids around him are effectively protected from bullies by an aura of "no one would start shit around him"
Brionne: Super bubbly and popular girl, outgoing and genuinely nice, Braixen hates her
Thwakey: Knows his music, would be popular if he wasn't so intense about it, refuses to shut up about Ringo Starr to his two friends
Raboot: Girls love him, ignoring the attention because he's going thru a phase, sticks to his buddies
Drizzile: Bullying-magnet. Potential School shooter. Raboot and Thwackey try to include him in plans but he ruins the mood.

i have a number of times, it's gotten to the point where parents had to get involved to make it stop. shit sucks, because i indirectly got roped into the situation the more i helped the one getting bullied.





>Hot girl everyone wants to fuck


>Thicc girl that a lot of people still want to fuck but wont admit it


>Stoner kids


Everyone else is an inbetweener.

Ivysaur: Edgy and angry kid but everyone respect him
Charmeleon: bully asshole
Wartortle: mischievous but cool
Bayleef: the one who everyone wants to fuck in the class
Quilava: silent kid
Croconaw: the clown of the class
Grovyle: cocky bastard that girls buzz around him
Mashtomp: kid with mental problems
Combusken: ugly kid but doesn't care if he's unpopular
Prinplup: "high class" kid who cares about clothes and fashion a lot
Monferno: hyper active kid
Grotle: silent kid who only befriends other silent kids
Dewott: nice guy but obsessed with Japanese culture
Pignite: fat kid who only lives to eat
Servine: cocky bastard like grovyle
Quilladin: the nerd that everyone loves to bully
Frogadier: the nerd that girls think he's a weirdo. usually sits alone
Braixen: the whore who dress like a slut in hope to get some rich kid
Dartrix: the bookworm who aces all of his exams
Torracat: failure in education but good in sport classes
Brionne: that trans kid that everyone bully and hates
Thwakey: the kid who thinks he's the mature one in the class
Raboot: edgy kid that watches a lot of anime. unironically runs like Naruto too
Drizzile: the emo kid who has no friends

Raboot, Combusken, Pignite, Crocnaw
>Quiet kids
Ivysaur, Prinplup
Drizzile, Dartrix
Thawkey, Frogadier, Grovyle
>Popular Girls/Stacies
Servine, Braixen, Bayleef
Dewott, Quilava
Monferno, Torracat, Wartotrtle
Grotle, Marshtomp
>Class Clowns

I love how the consensus about Pignite being a bully is unanimous, it always gave off that impression to me. Other bullies could be Prinplup, Servine and Raboot. The bullying victims could be Bayleef, Monferno, Marshtomp, Quilladin, Frogadier, Dartrix and Drizzile

Braixen and Servine would be the sluts who fuck chad (Raboot, Grovyle, and Monferno)

Wartortle is the CHAD. Braixen is the STACY. Torracat is the BULLY. Quilladin is the NERD.

Raboot is such a jock it hurts kek