You don't own "your" property...

You don't own "your" property. The government can just claim the land beneath it any time they need to and there's nothing you can do about it.

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I know but places with low levels of governance are either boring wilderness or shitholes so you're really damned if you do and damned if you don't

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Technically they can, but it's extremely rare and they're forced to pay you the value of the land if they do take it. If you're referring to property taxes, then I agree that they shouldn't exist, but it's only a couple grand a year.

This is really just a cope made by poorfags to continue not owning anything and being happy. Eat ze bugs

It will go to court, be a long process, and they will have to pay you the market value of your estate.

That's why you own a gun so you can go out on your own terms

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Only niggers think that the wilderness is boring. Be a white man.
What's the name of the event that happened here? I forgot.

I think that one was Bundy ranch, or maybe Hammond

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You don't own the propriety you paid one gorillion dollars to buy. If you don't pay your rent to the gov they can sell it to get their money.
Let this sink in!

>le gun
None of those larpers had the balls to shoot in the direction of law enforcement because it would result in 10-20 years of anal rape in prison.

None of the law enforcement had the balls to encroach upon a line of armed citizens. They didn't need to shoot, guns are often mostly used as a deterrent

If the gov wanted to they could've arrested everyone there on some bullshit charge. You guys are silly.

Doesn't matter
Just having the guns there was enough to achieve victory

They didn't though. You'd think brandishing weapons at them would have been enough to get them charged

Because it was fucking irrelevant and the gov didn't even care.

That's a lot of fed vehicles for something they don't care about. Are you a euro bychance?

Technically you are just one Maduro away from straight confiscation
My Russian great-grand father was a rich motherfucker owning hundreds of rented properties, then one day he got rugged by commies

They can have it and all the explosive material below it once they try to take it. Roll that heavy equipment over, have a nice big hole for a good distance, distant neighbors to the place might have to buy new glassware though.

>landlord gets Lenin'd
you get what you fucking deserve

what do you think it would be

You know the worst thing of all?

You’re not even allowed to make the state pay more for your house if they decide they need to reclaim it for some reason

They will only offer market value and then force you out. You’re not even allowed to ask for more. There offer is market value and no more. Which they decide btw.

>The government can just claim the land beneath it any time they need to
Owning something doesn't mean "no events in the future can ever take this from my possession."
You might as well claim people don't own cars because other people can steal them, or that nobody is alive because they'll die in the future.
>This is really just a cope made by poorfags to continue not owning anything
^This. Rentcucks want to convince themselves owning a house is the same as renting so they feel less bad about not owning one.

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