I’ll keep posting this pic until this fucking market crashes so I can finally afford my own property. Fuck boomers btw

I’ll keep posting this pic until this fucking market crashes so I can finally afford my own property. Fuck boomers btw.

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Why is this posted here again?

wrong format.
>day one of posting this pic until canadian real state market crashes even harder
there, better

OP is a retard cryptobro who's mad because their valueable coins who are the future crashed and burn to fucking hell

No one cares about the retarded american brother

dont care didnt ask

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this is gonna be a long journey lmao

She's so weird to me, yet I would fuck her senseless without bating an eyelash


literally :/

Look Propchain up, OP. Use your shitty crypto

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she´s just cute weirdo, like an aspie gf or sum, but she´s actually smart lmfao

I want her to cum while screaming GIVE ME ALL YOUR DULCE DE LECHE

>buying propierty with crypto
BWAHAH yeah, sure

And I can't fucking believe she's a latina. Must be crazy awesome at sex

nyom nyom delicious shitty thread nyom

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>he thinks the zestimate will go down

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you have to invest a considerable amount of money if you actually want to earn something

I'm gonna build my own house minecraft style, I'm not in the mood to buy a house by myself

I'm going to build my house LEGO style!

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only relevant thing ITT LOL. kill yourself op or your new home will be a river under a bridge

I need ayy lmao pussy.

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