Sell it all. Today

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Good movie

Um excuse me, but this is The Mentalist from Tv.

can't you just press the button "sell"? Or was this before the Internet and they had to sign a paper?

Wait... you can't be this stupid surely?

I love Mad Men

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In those days they had to call up every single person individually to sell each position

would have said it at 60k.

Is that even possible Sam?

user that's not... you know what, nevermind.

I prefer to hold and live with the hope instead of selling at huge loses

sold almost all, I'm down to only eth and Sylo. menn fuck the bears.

To clarify, this is not mad men.

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Does Mr. user
Speak English

Stand up Mr. user
Explain us the situation

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Redeem it all, doday

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>To clarify, this is not mad men.
I loved this movie Margin Call (2011), it certainly portraits the office environment.. I work at an IT company, and this movie made me recollect some software issues we had where we had to update all our customers over night because there was a huge back breaking bug on our software. I have actually worked for 3 days straight together with my team, fucked up...


i pooped my pants, sir. It wasn't a clean poop either, really messy and liquid.

This isn’t a movie user

>uh sir as you know I work in the risk and management dept. and uh
>our packaged MBS securities take a month to layer correctly
>we have to hold these until then and we're leveraged 10,000x

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So what you are telling me Mr. user
Is that the music is stopping and we gonna
Be left behind sitting on the biggest crypto shit that the world has seen

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Might you want to state it out for everyone that you just want to buy cheapies of everything.

You just want retarded fags to fall for your shit and buy your crap.
Instead why can't you buy whatever you want at the current rate, if you trust it so damn much to moon.

I did before the crash, and I'm already making gains. Try a different way, kiddo.

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i can't respect a man who turned down Morena Baccarin

To clarify, these are men and they are in fact mad.