Why don't you go outside?

Why don't you go outside?

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just went on a 10 mile bike run, was fun

Attached: spurdo.png (1024x749, 116.8K)


One would think she would floss before doing a photo shoot

Good idea. Closing Any Forums now and going outside.
Thanks, buddy.

just don't like em. simple as


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Eh, what if i already tried and it doesn't work?

This, I live in Baltimore.

Because the world is a terrible place full of nothing but predatory manipulators who just want to steal from you

That's a man.

There are weird people on the streets

>bike run
How do you run on a bike?

so you come to Any Forums...which is full of nothing but predatory manipulators who just want to steal from you

Baltimore sucks, there's better parts of Maryland to live but in general this state is too long gone.

I hate the society I live in.

niggers scare me

there is nothing good outside besides the sun

Very carefully

I like being inside where it's comfy and I don't have to see anyone. I also like to be able to shitpost/listen to Youtube whenever I feel like it (no smartphone data plan so I can't just go for a long walk and do it anyway.)

and do what
i can smoke cigarettes at home