Bitcoin is 300,000% up over 10 years. if you were 300k% up you would sell immediately

bitcoin is 300,000% up over 10 years. if you were 300k% up you would sell immediately.

is bitcoin going to 0 bros? are we the greatest fools in the biggest ponzi scheme in history?

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Daily reminder that every single finance asset like stocks,bonds,debt,crypto,money etc are all purely parasitical in nature and serve no purpose nor have any inherent value. Finance and economics are pseudoscientific make believe garbage, capitalism is inherently unstable,unsustainable and exploitative with a built in expiration date and private property is theft. Every financier or crypto dudebro is a literal parasite and you will all perish alongside your precious stock market and blockchain

Also your crypto is fast approaching its true value of 0. Actually correction: its value is in the negatives since it is purely a parasitic asset

>Daily reminder that every single finance asset like stocks,bonds,debt,crypto,money etc are all purely parasitical in nature and serve no purpose nor have any inherent value.
A stock means you have ownership over a companies earnings, it has measurable intrinsic value. A bond is a rewarded IOU, it means you are essentially allocating your capital to an entity and you expect that capital to be returned with a premium. Crypto is a scarce digital asset, it's value is tied to it's usability, so if you plan on investing on a crypto currency, the smart thing to do would be to invest on cryptos that are actually used in the real world, that would be mostly BTC and XMR, XMR isn't in a bubble, BTC is into a mainstream bubble. I hope i have explained this dumbbed down enough for you.

It keeps changing hands, people sold in 2011 and then the people who bought then sold in 2012 etc except for a few rare cases who held their Bitcoin for many many years and got massive gains. It's why a lot of people seethe over Dogecoin, they're the people who had millions years ago and sold it all in 2018 when it hit one cent. Then new people buy it. Very few people are up 300k%

I rely on 4chans experts to explain to me how economics work since the education system doesnt want me to know. Good job everyone

It's all so tiresome. I can't even afford a gun to kill myself. Even suicide is a privilege.

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Said the retard

I like this drawing. Carbon Monoxide poisoning is cheap and easy

yeah except its not. some of the wallets have millions that have never moved. what if they just sell? right now would be the oerfect time if we are going into a depression...

>bitcoin is 300,000%
No shit. Any asset that was zero dollars would go up. Those type of gains aren't possible with Bitcoin with such a large market cap.

Why sell now when you can sell for more in future?

>isn't invested
why are you talking about bitcoin? you aren't even invested

>is bitcoin going to 0 bros? are we the greatest fools in the biggest ponzi scheme in history?


But based on Occam's Razor, what makes more sense?

>The majority of the world's smartest humans in tech, banking, and philosophy are right about crypto?
>The majority of the world's smartest humans in tech, banking, and philosophy are wrong about crypto and they have all been tricked into buying the top and falling for the biggest ponzi scheme in history?

Keep in mind, that if the second was correct, all the normie resentment and boomer sentiment would be correct.

Just on this alone, what makes more sense?
The majority of the world's smartest people only just recently bought in. The ones that bought 10 years ago were the world's luckiest. So I would put my money in line with the smartest people on earth who also bought at a similar time to the rest of us.

>if you were 300k% up you would sell immediately
I'm around 200k% up counting everything I cashed out. What does this change? Should I run to sell everything now because I'm up so much?

>spoon feed me

No. Explain the absolutely mindless dribble you're trying to communicate.
The trouble you're having is there's not hint of thought behind OP or your posts.

Bro the owners of those wallets are dead or have killed themselves. They were a blood sacrifice that initiated the birth of Roko's basilisk. Either you believe in Bitcoin or you don't. As far as I'm concerned Bitcoin will live on because it's the only hope that we have for a future with free men. If it fails then you are doomed anyway.

Thats only true if you bought it at zero.

Stupid people still dont understand that due to the way bitcoin is designed and the infinite nature of fiat means it will mathematically act like a sponge and keep absorbing the worlds liquidity until it has absorbed everything.
This was the plan, a genius cryptographher, which basically created the abomaly to bring down the whole system. Like Neo.
Its price will keep appreciating because this is what it was designed to do, just like how fiat is designed to go to 0 and steal everyones buying power.
Bitcoin can never die, because there will always be a buyer.
If it managed to drop to 1 cent you know deep down that we would all be scrambling to buy it and then the cycle would begin again.

What is certain is that satoshi was a true master of game theory

>explain something you didnt explain
>there is only one user

Apparently the magic number is 0.01BTC
That's the most amount of BTC that could be evenly divided up among the world's population. If you have more than that, you're set.

I don't know what that amount's final price will be, but having more than 0.01BTC will put you at more than can be distributed equally.

remember that guy who ordered a pizza and paid with a bitcoin a while ago