I think it's time for me to check out bros...

I think it's time for me to check out bros. For last few years I've been fighting a mean depression and I'm exhausted now from it. I've tried and continue to try everything. Healthy diet, exercise, great sleep, career improvement, financial improvement, dating, meditation, talks with god. It all leads me to the same hollow and dark place. The fact that the external world seems to crumbling doesn't help either.

How can I profit off of this?

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move to the wood and become a crazy hermit that scares tourists hiking there


Do exceedingly more risky activities and record it for the internet until you die.

It is true btw it will only get worse again like it always does. So think about it. Isnt here the proper and efficient play to do an hero to spare yourself the unavoidable future (and CURRENT) pain and suffering?

All that shit is a meme. Have you tried hard drugs? Or at least psychedelics?

Sometimes I really want to.

I'm too much of a bitch to do anything. I want to die a painless death retard.

Yeah I don't see things getting better in my life or in society at large, so yes, probablhy the best course of action at this point.

I've considered psychadelics, but I don't have a reliable trip sitter (I'd like to take a good dose, say 3.5 of shrooms). I've taken smaller doses and have done other drugs, so I have a small idea of what I'm getting myself into. I think this unironically might be my last option.

They say that you can't run away from your problems. While that's probably true you can get a fresh perspective. Have you thought about moving somewhere and just starting over? Hell you could even change your name and make up whatever past you want. While the clinical signs of depression are likely to return at some point, it's very possible that the change of scenery could snap you out of your usual relapses or even reset the cycle entirely. Good luck user.

>Have you thought about moving somewhere and just starting over?

I've done this like 4 times already, believe when I say I've tried everything.

Most depressions are actually schizoid personality issues which are resolvable in most people. Read a book on the subject and then strongly consider therapy. The advice here will mostly be around having sex, taking drugs or lifting weights. But those things won’t solve such existential problems.

Promise me to finish this year user.
I mean that. Trust one that can see more than you. Finish this year come hell or high water then re evaluate.

You don't really need a trip sitter, just up your dose overtime, shrooms aren't going to make you violent or anything man, all that crazy "omg you're gonna freak out" shit is just a meme. Just pre set up your environment, make it nice and relaxing, positive, put on some good music, start with 2g, then 3, then 3.5, one day on, two-three days off.

I'm going to try user. I genuinely want to live, but it constantly feels like the walls are closing in.

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My fear is a bad trip that hits the fan in a irreversible way.

Stop thinking so much retard

They want you to kill yourself so badly. Every demon and angel watching you from the spirit world is foaming at the mouth hoping you’ll do it.
Give them the middle finger and fight on, user.


Psychedelics will help you face and process that fear, just start small. You don't need to dive in.

I only have this to say:

Funny we have a similar color.
I have been attacked by a demonic entity 11 years ago and know for a fact that they exist and hope for your suicide.
You really will go to hell and there will be no coming back.
There is a lecture on how demons cause negative thinking, realize that it is not you but a "person" an "entity" who is causing your sorrow. Please watch it:

May Jesus bless you and fix you and all the disgusting demons that are telling you to harm yourself go away in Jesus name.
user please listen to these warnings. God made me be here at this moment and he made me write this for you.

Take care of them heavy metals in your body and especially in your brain. For example lead and mercury fuck up your nerves and also cause depression. But there are ways to get rid of them. Dr. Klinghardts method is one good way. But make sure you get help from a professional and only buy quality products (no chink products)

Did you stop fapping and quit any drugs you were taking? If not, kys.

OP have you tried cruising test? It can save your life

thank you for the prayer user.

i agree i think i am unironically being attacked by demons

honestly this and psychadelics will be my last options. i have considered it user. im worried about life long dependence, but there might come a point where it doesn't matter if it keeps me alive.

I am serious here. Also your gifs/pics are cool.

I try to buy quality things all around. My depression has been a lifelong battle.