$20k cash

>$20k cash
>cash is dying
>stocks are dying
>crypto is dying
where the fuck do I park my money

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the FED will pivot sooner than everyone thinks
this is not financial advice

buy some capital equipment that allows you to directly make money.

like a truck or some tools.

in yous aresehole

>drugs are ath now

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>>stocks are dying
>>crypto is dying
Either or.
That top, eh.

how about focusing on doing something useful and productive instead?

Stab yourself in the eye.

When the FED slashes the rates to near-zero and starts the QE, you go long (and leveraged)
When the FED raises the rates, you short and enjoy the shitshow.
How is this complicated?

Buy some I Bonds retard

>where the fuck do I park my money
acquire land

This OP, in bear markets people get depressed as fuck, that's when drugs go skyrocket, both legal and illegal, if you are too much of a pussy stick with the legal ones, if not... Mushrooms are going to be the next big thing, pot is almost saturated. With 20k you could make a nice mushroom farm

Who's saying I'm not? I just have the money sitting around.

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Gold and silver ultimately will rise during the recession after a small drop. Maybe a small drop at first since people will need cash

Stocks are not dying. Shit stocks are dying. Good stocks are fine.

This is very true. I sell LSD and have for years, a single tab has gone from $20 to $35 in 4 years

How does one go about selling drugs? So you just buy wholesale from dark web and then sell at festivals?

How are you not sketched out from giving the dark web people your info?

Also move away from major population centers, ideally to areas that are agricultural powerhouses.

>gets property tax raised

Cash is king in a recession. Gold is likely a good short to mid term play too

literally everyone who wants to invest is holding back right now. in the end it wont matter because everything will go up again.


Cash burn due to inflation is nothing relative to the potential future loss in assets. Cash, or TIPS.