Just bought a house

Attached: 2708FAE3-B048-4D03-8FED-42042BA5D83E.jpg (1400x1400, 324.58K)

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If it keeps me warm at night and away from urban cucks then I would basically live outside all day.

>150k for tinyhouse
>1k in condo fees

i would be all for these till i looked at the price tag.


That's a cuck shed

if you are alone and dont want a wife and kids something like this(albiet bigger like a 600-700 sqft trailer home) on a piece of land is based. unfortunate that because of the great reset these kinds of home setups are now demonized by poltards

I am unironically going to build one like this:
high tech and efficient
check out his videos on youtube, some nice engineering

For 50k you can get a A-frame house with 3 bedrooms (they are tiny tho).

Attached: Screenshot from 2022-06-20 18-13-09.png (1322x804, 204.25K)

I built a little house in my backyard that looks exactly like this for my son, that's where he and his friends play videogames. Only difference is it has larger windows I can see inside from the house.

When I was a kid, I had a tree house. Really good memories...

It grinds my gears that buying land and government surveyors and building permits and utility hookups and home inspection are made so complex that one can't build a house without a legal team.

So we have to make homes that are cargo containers or built on a trailer.

literally the dumbest time in history to buy a house

If I had a plot of land in the mountains where yuppies like to frolick what hoops would I have to jump through to build eight of these on my property and rent them for $300/night

About about 6 months from now? 1 year from now? 2 years from now?

Can you still though, or that before inflation?

Lumber prices have come down

If that thing is on atleast few acres of good land I wouldn't mind it so much... Build another shed for storage

Interesting. Also, I probably have enough lumber on my 5 acres (inheritance), now that I think of it.

It's a shed

Tiny houses are a scam.

this, yurts are the Any Forumsness man's choice