Reminder that "bdsp bad" is a legendfag and platicucks propaganda that dosen’t reflect reality

Reminder that "bdsp bad" is a legendfag and platicucks propaganda that dosen’t reflect reality.

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BDSP was shit.
And Legends was not that good, but the standards of pokemon are so low, that it's adequate.

All aboard the truth express.

>Legends was not that good, but the standards of pokemon are so low, that it's adequate.

>Selling well means it's good

>Platinum with less stuff to do and worse artstyle
Genuinely what’s the appeal? It’s on the Switch?


if your only argument to a game being good is that it sold well, maybe you don't actually have an argument


It is on Switch and likely a "new" game to many people. Third versions never sold well, for most people do not see the worth in getting a new version of a game that they recently played.
I still have no idea how USUM sold so well.

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Probably. And there's a big part of the pokemon fans who haven't played any games earlier than 3ds haha

It's on the Switch

>And Legends was not that good, but the standards of pokemon are so low, that it's adequate.
Yeah when you're competing with trash like gens 3-5 it's easy to look great.

It's a remake so they included the newer mons like the past rem-... oh wait

t.Elden Ring fan

>I still have no idea how USUM sold so well
cant speak for everyone, but i thought it was going to be like B2W2 where even though it's the same region, there's enough different to where it constitutes a new game
instead we got the equivalent of BW1 but if colress just appeared every 15 minutes and nothing else was different

USUM sold as well as it did by relying on fanservice and having dual versions

SM buyers bamboozled by the lack of a Z version, and then have to buy USUM somehow because they might miss out on an edgy form or two


>Yeah when you're competing with trash like gens 3-5 it's easy to look great.
Sure, but you're forgetting that the game Legends had to beat was just XY which is already an extremely low bar in and of itself. To that end PLA was the first real Pokemon game since ORAS and while it does still pale in comparison to Gen 3-5 I'd say it does a pretty good job at climbing us out of the hole SM/USUM/SWSH put us in.

Obsessed. Not even getting my (You)

>Third versions never sold well,
Given the low investment yeah they did. They were low budget update titles that sold at full price and kept the brand relevant.

Literally what is this Squidgames -esque psyop that appeared all of a sudden?