How do I respond when a work colleague asks me what I did on the weekend when I did nothing?

How do I respond when a work colleague asks me what I did on the weekend when I did nothing?

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>I chilled all weekend

They don't really care. They just don't like silence. You can make up anything boring so they don't ask further questions.

Tell the truth. The truth will set you free. You weren't fooling anyone anyway.

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Just chilled, quiet one mate.

Talk about some hobby you have, even if it’s just reading up about crypto or something. It’s just an opportunity to talk about something you find interesting

give him a little kiss on the lips and say "what's important is what i'm doing next weekend." Then coquettishly run a hand down his front and turn away.

Hung out with my dog and family.


No one cares. It's just NPC small talk.

no homo tho right? cuz if not thats incredibly gay

Ask them why they want to know and before they respond, tell them to mind their own business

This is a roundabout way of admitting that you have a boring and unfulfilled life. Work on that.

that would work if I was a real woman

Genuinely not, the second every guy gets over the "anything is gay" shit and realizes 1) men are way way better at head and handjobs than women and 2) are way more willing and cool about it, then everyone has a better time. If you just find some work colleague who's happy to just spend 5 minutes a day on you your work life will be so much fucking better. Plus most people here don't know what it's like to have a really good friend, you have each other's backs and will get more girls because you'll be hanging out at bars winging for each other like "he's honestly got such a good body you have to see it" "any girl would be lucky to have that cock" "no i do like you but honestly i can't stop thinking about my mate he's so fucking hot you should talk to him".

This is pretty gay bro. No hate though; Do your thing.

lmao let me guess ur white

Go outside user

No race about it, my headbro is black or at least mostly

Yeah, you can definitely tell he's white 100%

Tell them you go through online courses.

You must be one of the people who asks this question. Please stop asking

Make up that you were visiting family or that you went out with friends or something. Not every week though, say you just chilled out for some of them too

you just relaxed. I've been using that for the past 5 years.