Nexo insolvency is next

get out of nexo asap!!

Attached: Nexo_logo_jpeg.jpg (908x908, 142.56K)

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one step ahead of you bud...

i want this to happen so bad it's unreal

>Next 0

Nexo is overcollateralized and undergoes real time auditing. It's here to stay. Sorry chud

imagine being this retarded keeping your money on a centralized crypto bank.
wish we could short NEXO coin.

How long before you think it happens? I don't think it will

Attached: nexo.png (1139x781, 49.84K)

>Nexo is overcollateralized and undergoes real time auditing. It's here to stay. Sorry chud
found the gypsy

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Found the Celsius baggies

This one is personal Linkbros. NEXO are evil scum.
This has the potential to be Any Forumss GME moment

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Or stop being a schizo and holding faggotlink

sorry you missed your spot, not leaving a comfy 18% APR for anything right now.

This fud has already been addressed and debookned

>But I can confirm this is just more FUD and claims without any proof. The relevant team have to follow a strict risk assessment process and doing something like what those claims say about us, goes against what we believe in..

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means absolutely nothing kek
the auditors are a bunch of nobodies and nexo is one of their only clients
nexo is going down next like it or not.

yeah but they are changing there rates in July.
Going down...


I'm going to have to agree with you on that one.
"armanio" ??

It's lke Jews saying other Jews are on the up 'n' up.

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In English we say "down collateral x vs ETH"

why haven't you guys been making your 1pbtid shill threads lately?

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wish people would stop falling for it. If you want nexo collateralized loans or lend money for interest, there's literally aave or the dozens of lending protocols with everything 100% transparent.

this whole business model will be dead by next cycle.

Kek, do you understand leverage? Assets could completely cover today’s liabilities, but if they have leverage shorts against tokens (say…. Link as an example) and the coin moons they can quickly get margin called and liquidate positions.

And we all know how Simeon loves to leverage short linkies