*makes normies cum*

*makes normies cum*

Attached: 1200px-018Pidgeot.png (1200x1200, 795.76K)

*uses mud-slap and feather dance*

no user you are the normalfag

But I don't like Pidgeot

Fucking love birds, the carnivorous kind most of all. Pidgeot is 10/10 would train to hunt rabbits and live in the mountains with


Because she sucks balls. Both competitively, and ingame

And for that matter, where are you getting this supposed impression that it makes normies cum? I rarely see a thing about it

Also, who cares about fighting power ingame? Everything works, pick the designs you like most. In fact, the weaker pokemon are funner because it makes the baby game mildly challenging

Pidgeot has no point in existing, when in the same game, Fearow exists. A Pokemon obtainable at a similar point in the game + has better stats and evolves way earlier. It's just bad game design

It's on every normie's Gen 1/6 Pokemon team, when a thousand other way better Flying-Types exist

Pidgeot is the platonic ideal of Pokemon design, the only people it offends are those with irredeemably poor taste

Attached: 1640514279469.jpg (338x345, 46.18K)


Now THAT is a gen 1 team

Fearrow is ugly

The original games, art, and anime were pure sovl. People complain that the gen1 pokemon are just animals, but that was the point, then you had some more fantastical creatures but even then they were little pixies or trickster spirits.

Attached: pidgeyline.png (1490x773, 759.79K)

>posts a mentally retarded Tranny and a domestic terorrist
PULL UP![spoiler

Yes you do.


Attached: 44f3a91fae68ed9f3681c0682f71a292.jpg (545x357, 37.26K)

based and birdpilled

Attached: 19383b54f471602f23d7db01fcd82dde.png (811x608, 583.65K)


Attached: 1509642064955.png (1280x1038, 1.18M)

what's all that liquid? birds don't sweat

Artistic liberty. Besides, Pokemon aren't real life birds.