My retarded ass mom is struggling to pay a $2,300 mortgage

>my retarded ass mom is struggling to pay a $2,300 mortgage
>shes in her 50s
>I have to help her
How is this fair? Imagine being in your 50s and you can't pay a fucking 2300 mortgage fuck this cunt
>wat do

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That’s your mom dumbass help her

You sound white

family is going to be all you got in the coming dark times you kike

Whites hate their family.

Sell some of your shitcoins to cover it user

>she's struggling to pay for the house I live in
>the house I'll inherit after some years
>no it's not fair I should get everything in life for free

>I have to help her

because I live with this daft cunt

Shut up and move out then

>has a $2300/mo mortgage
>is 50+
he wasn't going to inherit anything.
that's already high and once it's paid off she'll remortgage it.
she's just stealing money from her son to support her luxurious lifestyle.

Collect life insurance

I had to help my parents with bills a few times, I wasn't mad but it was frustrating. They've made a combined $100,000+ for 20 years. How are you in a situation where you need financial help?

Do you live with her? Wife and I been thinkin bout getting a bigass RV to just stick in the driveway and be a granny home.

What is wrong with you ? Just help your mom dude, don’t be a little bitch, if I make it from crypto I will make sure my mom is set for life.

if you live with her, yeah, you should help her. if not, don't bother. you will literally be pissing money away. she made her bed. she had plenty of opportunities that you will never have. help her, but don't sabotage yourself too much because of it.

This is a unique situation. Not so much since we all have parents. Some parents are bad. If you have good parents you should know the difference. See I had bad parents who took my money ever since I was 13. My dad nver wanted us, he's said to my face he's raised a little slave boy to help pay his rent. And he did. It was very hard to leave.

What’s wrong with first worlders?my parents never ask for money, but I send them 30% of my income to help my younger siblings. I know my parents can’t afford school for them, so I send them enough to cover that. It’s shameful not to help your family

Based. My mom works 12hr shifts 12 days in a row and I just got my first big boy job. I now send her money regularly and ask her to work less since she doesn’t have to anymore. Whities are scum

World's changing Paco

You are going to be in far worse shape at her age based on how you act.
Have a shred of humility and family allegiance.
No one in the rest of the universe gives a shit about you user.
Better yet, kill yourself you ungrateful spoiled faggot

Just business

My mom only makes bad decisions it's insane.
>Withdrew 401k early has no retirement.
>Didn't get my grandfather to sign his will.
>Let my drug addled uncle control rebate. He then stole everything and under sold it.
It's ridiculous. She barely has a car she still has payments on. No house. No savings. Nothing. Not even a good job she makes 12 dollars in Colorado an expensive state.
She used to be an underground miner driving giant shovels. Made 120k a year and she has nothing but a bad back to show for it. It's insane.

Why is this? Genuine question

>my mom
>just business
You were raised by boomers and it shows

kek this if she's a good person

Seems that way. It’s no wonder China is effortlessly eroding western power. whites refuse to help their country, their community, and even their own family. Even the subhuman pakis have more honor than them

you sound selfish af. help her and be more grateful that you have a mother that is close to you who gave you a place to live.

I see it a lot even in my own extended family. There is nothing I wouldn't do to help my mother, but luckily she has her shit together and would never be a burden to me. Meanwhile my cousins are fighting to dump the responsibility of taking care of their elderly parents onto their other siblings, despite those parents having given untold time and money and guidance to those kids over an entire lifetime. It's fucking disgusting.
But the overall modern Western culture is heavily focused on individuality, "finding your purpose", making your own way, being independent etc.
All my ethnic friends have way more integration into a strong family tradition and culture. Respect for family and and your parents is huge, and kids are expected to care for their family and parents. It's an extension of the whole "individuality vs the group" collectivist dynamic. Asians and Indians all seem to fucking live for their parents' support and approval.

She brought you into this world bro. Her and your father are the first you should help out unless you have kids.

People blame me for being so fucked up and it isn't right. People are raised.

user some one bad with money probably didn't provide for their kids well building resentment.

I think the rule should be if your parents helped their parents their whole lives then you should help your parents. Like karma.

My parents did fuck all for their parents, themselves, or us kids.