How is Ryoshi good at always pumping his fucking scams?

How is Ryoshi good at always pumping his fucking scams?
His first one, shib, unnecessarily shot up. And now, his second one, looks like it's booming.

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>first one, shib
>second one, shiba predator

You retarded fuck, there's no way he created a coin to destroy his own coin. Shill your bags somewhere else, kike.

literally nobody cares about this shit right when the entire market looks like it's in a goddamn pickle

Why would he call his second coin "Shiba Predator?" That makes no sense, people only know who he is because of Shib being so successful. Where's the proof he actually made this coin?

Also, it's called Shiba Predator, so why the fuck is the ticker QOM?
Oh, and zoom out

Attached: shibpred.png (1070x872, 54.85K)

Cause apparently he left because he had a conflict with the other project heads. He wanted to make it a "truly decentralised" coin and they made it a fucking joke.

Even if they try to get Shibarium up now, as a "fundamental" aspect, there's no fucking way anybody is falling for it, right?

>Where's the proof he actually made this coin?
He quite literally nuked all shib articles from his medium profile and changed the pfp to an eagle.
Also to say that the way the Kodai and Ryoshi talk could all be the same.

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>two people use the same words = ooooo same personnnnn

Does that mean any random jeet shiller and an actual founder would be the same cause they use the exact same words? Come on nigger

kek this

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The only crypto that is connected to Ryoshi other than Shiba is CAW. The deployer for Shiba deployed CAW. The rest of pajeet scams.

There is a coin that is involving big names from the space and its name is HATI and I implore you to look it up


If you guys want the next shib, look into Pit. 500k holders and exchanges are loading up, you know what that means

Sure. Whatever you say, retard.

If you dig in and read the message better, you'll be able to figure out that it mentions that they're moving liquidity to QOMQQL1

If you compare the two introductory articles of QOM and SHIBA, you will see they more or less say the same philosophy. For the community, no marketing warchest, no CEO, do it all yourself. Now it s is possible that Kodai is just a disciple of Ryoshi, but once we put the rest of it together, it seems less likely

Anybody who has been in the Telegram group with both Ryoshi and Kodai agrees that either Kodai is Ryoshi or he is someone that spent lots of early time with Ryoshi and has morphed to be a perfect copy.

Fuck off shibag tranny. Fud thread is fud.
Def shibag troon trying desperately hard to fud again.

I am not an etherscan sleuth, but others take pride in it. While the QOM contract was deployed from a “clean wallet” when you track all of the early buys and where the wallets link, they show trails back to Shiba (one of them bought shiba in the first minute) his 1 eth buy would be worth 250million USD today. Also all the heavy wallets of QOM seem to be Dog coin rich, having hundreds of millions. All the early buyers of QOM seem to know something. I invite someone better than me at etherscan to investigate the same and prove me wrong.

Come on.

Go die troon

I wish, I own nothing of these, just holding USDT.
It's just an observation to see that even in this market - there's a move up for QOM

Eat shit troon no one buys it

I don't get why you're seething so much. Did you lose too much money on shib, retard?

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All I can say is I thought it was going to a new ATH early June motherfuckers should stop selling, but this has some real momentum so I'm holding. I don't think Ryoshi will reveal himself this time, the large liquidity pool and whale wallets holding it is enough of a clue, the original shib wallets is on it too.

Not fooling anyone shibag tranny


No ones seething shibag tranny. The only thing here isbyour pathetic cope and retarded attempt to fud. Go play make believe somewhere else troon.

Oh look the faggot turned on its vpn

What the fuck?
a fully operative memecoin?