Bored Apes are racist

Attached: Screenshot_20220619-232053_Firefox.png (1347x1610, 210.77K)

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based, just went all in

stop trying to make this sound appealing to the autistic retards on 4chins

Stop shilling your shit channel

i could push a better video out the tip of my dickhole

Can someone explain to me how hasan piker thinks that "white people don't have culture that's propaganda" when there's an entire culinary class called french cuisine? Does he just mean "white" doesn't exist because "white" is "french, german dutch" etc?

his name is hasan. take a wild guess why he says the things he does

He doesn't actually think that. He's just anti-white.

Funniest thing about this lefty-q schizo rambling is the accusation that the BAYC writer chose the handle Gargamel as an anti-Semetic trope when clearly the writer literally looks like Gargamel and earned the nickname because of the similarity of appearance, even more obvious in the swimsuit photos of him the schizo video maker uses.

Attached: gargamel.jpg (1500x1000, 445.44K)

I did hear him in the same breath say that people on Any Forums aren't actually nazis and white supremacists and that people shouldn't worry when they make racist jokes because he doesn't think people on pol or biz or r9k or anywhere else are actually trying to hurt anyone. I hate hasan i think he's a turbo brainlet hypocrite but because he said that I decided to listen to more of what he was saying and I don't think he's dumb enough to actually believe that white culture doesn't exist but I also don't think he's smart enough to understand that the distinction between "white and french" is like the distinction between "black and nigerian".

holy shit rofl @ this sausage fingered half wit calling guenon and evola pseuds

so we can expect the narrative to shift for crypto being for nazis, huh?

uncanny resemblance

Attached: rare_gargamel_NFT.jpg (1969x2525, 1.45M)

imagine taking anything that 20iq mongoloid turkroach says seriously

metaphysics is the epitome of pseud larp
sure maybe he's just dumb, that's why he says anti-white things because he can't differentiate anti-white propaganda from reality

>how to show everyone you are an idiot in a few simple words
n one

holy schizo, just finished watching the clip.. what a fucking retard. he's just wanting to shill his buddy's knockoff apes. Phillion is top contender for the most cringe YTer 2022

Better not waste energy on submen such as that one

pure retardation starts at 9:16

>why would you use a boss from a Zelda game that only sold 4 million copies instead of one that sold 25 million copies?
>Real video game nerds would have named it after the most popular villain Ganon instead
>must refer to the Kali Yuga, which I guess is a nazi phrase? idk I saw a nazi t-shirt use the phrase so uh yeah lmao
yup, he entirely ignores that Yuga's ability to turn things into 2D art (NFTs) is main point to their choice despite showing the tweet and reading it aloud. Also he doesn't understand that videogame nerds love obscure references because that's how nerd cred works. Dumb fucking schizo normie.

>Suum cuique
>The Latin phrase relates to an old Greek principle of justice which translates literally into English as "to each his own". Plato, in Republic, offers the provisional definition that "justice is when everyone minds his own business, and refrains from meddling in others' affairs"
>unsurprisingly adopted by crypto web3 because the central theme has always been about ownership
>nah bro, there was one concentration camp that had a german phrase and it roughly translates to something similar so that phrase is 100% a nazi phrase even though it was a common german colloquialism for centuries, definitely nazis.
No one is this retarded, it's simply dishonesty and playing dumb. Unfortunately normies will uncritically absorb this garbage.

>Unfortunately normies will uncritically absorb this garbage.

good, fuck yuga labs for their shitty otherdeed mint causing perma 3k+ gas for hours to prove a point that they needed apechain. at least they won't get their ape stolen over there since theyll just roll back the chain.

they almost took out milady with similar fud so I don't feel bad the slightest.

don't care still not buying nfts