Something is going on with Tether

1 Tether is now worth only $0.996. For some time now the Tether price has been decreasing. Yes the Tether price always jumps around a bit, but it has been steadily falling for some time now. Picrel.

Attached: tether falling.png (740x714, 41.23K)

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>load the tether fud again

pee pee poo poo

They are selling tether for bitcoin fuckin retard

Look at the marketcap of tether for the last month.
Someone is withdrawing 1B every day, and crypto is crashing (probably tether selling assets to have money in bank). Yesterday tether did not redeem more than 100M and today the market was green.

Everyone knows Tether will collapse. We just argue when.

Attached: Screenshot from 2022-06-19 21-21-23.png (960x611, 49.98K)

zoom out

Attached: Capture.jpg (952x367, 31.57K)


>tether fud
bottom is in

It's not a crazy idea.
Tether is on the red. I will even explain how they got there.
>you give 1 dollar to tether
>tether mint 1 USDT, a token that they swear it will always be worth 1 USD
>instead of holding this 1 dollar, and consequently going bankrupt because you don't make any money to cover you expenses, tether re-invest this 1 dollar
>tether invest your 1 dollar in high risk, high profit investments, such as crypto
>tether people are not stupid, they put your money in many baskets
>then all cryptos start to lose value
>the assets brought @1 USD now are worth something like 0.35
>they still own you a dollar

Yeah, I know not all assets are crypto, tin fact, half of it is treasury bounds (allegedly from the USA government), the problem with them is, if you sell them before they mature, you are not making money...

You see where I want to get?

>a "meds" post
Huge red flag that OP is correct. Holy shit.

Attached: 1650777958311.jpg (258x195, 9.41K)


Attached: Screenshot 2022-06-19 at 18-52-22 USDD-USDC Buy Sell and Trade USDD_USDC KuCoin.png (1344x541, 223.58K)

USDD has a market cap of less than 700M.
Tether was redeeming 1B a day...


Attached: KMytWPu7fQTutZpmrcV5gpgwjdU8c-gSHt4mPcLRcg0.png (336x333, 172.89K)

They are being taken out in a specific order. Next goes USDD, USDT will be last until only USDC is left standing.


Attached: 1655595767612.png (512x512, 229.94K)

Tetherfud is the most mongoloid nothingburger of all time

Tether is 3x bigger than Terra. Crypto still did not recover LUNA crash.

>0 meds taken
sad, such is life of a tether truther


>meds, meds meds
Is our equivilant of redditards calling anything they dont like "fud". It just means you cant defend your position with facts. Tether collapse eow

there has been tether fud since 2014. literally none of it has come true. unironically take your meds