SV uses ATB combat. How would that work?

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Oh Christ not this again

Nice to see ATBanon back.


No, we don't know this, it most likely uses turn based like PLA.

full ATB

>turn based like PLA
delete this
If there's something that would not make me buy SV, it would be keeping PLA's biggest mistake and flaw, the battle system.

It won’t and it won’t keep PLAs catching mechanics either I hope. PLA should stay as its own thing otherwise you risk invalidating a shitton of abilities and mechanics if you try to adopt its mechanics to mainline. PLAs battle system also would be ultra cancer and much more boring for competitive multiplayer.

>competitive multiplayer

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Greentext and you not liking something isn’t an argument. The older battle system was better and more complex as well even without the multiplayer.
I like PLA, but fags like you unironically need to be weeded out.

While I do think it should retain the ability to throw your partner Pokéball around, catching Pokémon without battling was just too much of a gamebreaker, as it gave EXP to everyone too.
There was literally NO incentive to fight Pokémon to get EXP or catching as it was just longer, and risking one of your Pokémon to die which gives it no EXP altogether.

TLDR: keep PLA's technical improvements but not the gamebreaking overworld catching.

You equip a rapier and attack other trainers before they can send out their pokemon

Happy to be back to these threads.

I honestly preferred the more action-oriented changes made in PLA, but perhaps it is best to keep the two separated. I agree that catching giving the same EXP as non-participation EXP is dumb and should be greatly reduced if they keep it, and perhaps make it so more Pokemon can't be cheesed as easily (maybe make it so you only get one shot to catch them in the field before they run away/permanently keep their guard up and you have to engage them).

ATB combat? how many ATB, 3 like Conte or 7 like Tuchel?

Catching without battling is a bad idea if we are gonna keep the original system.
Far to many fucking things are invalidated
>all mechanics involving abilities, such as cute charm attracting pokemon of the opposite gender, synchronize allowing you to manipulate nature, and stuff like flash fire attracting fire pokemon among many others are all invalidated
>moves that affect wild pokemon encounters in the overworld
Not to mention that using PLAs battle system would dumb down so many things and make multiplayer absolute cancer. PLAs battle system is good in its own way for a single player game but it should absolutely stay away from the mainline games.
I think PLA did plenty of things right but its a different kind of game, it should mold its battle system into something unique of its own rather than change the current battle system in mainline to supplement these new action oriented mechanics.

You know, somehow i don't think many people would actually give a shit if all those abilities lost those functions(and technically this isn't true, as overworld spawns are still random and thus can be manipulated.)
Sweet Scent also ain't some grand part of what basically everyone plays pokemon for.

It's being marketed as a plain RPG, no action elements though.

>people wouldn’t give a shit if they couldnt manipulate the type of the pokemon they are encountering more of in a specific area
>people wouldnt care about being able to catch a pokemon of a specific gender easier
>people wouldn’t care about the nature of the pokemon they caught
If they make mint acquisition trivial like in PLA, made the game about catching 20+ of the same mon for a dex entry, and eliminated breeding, then perhaps you MIGHT have a point and who knows what the fuck else I am forgetting, pokemons mechanics are far more complex than it looks on the surface. As it stands though, you are just a fucking retard assuming things with absolutely no basis.

>You know, somehow i don't think many people would actually give a shit if all those abilities lost those functions
Are you really aaying "not a lot of people care so it would be fine if it's gone"? That sounds an awful lot like what a certain group of people said about a particular subject a few years back.

>you are just a fucking retard assuming things with absolutely no basis.
Basically nobody is using any of those except for the nature one; additionally the type one is pretty much beaten by being able to actually pick your fights.
Even with boosted rates you'll be digging through a bunch of random encounters. This argument also somewhat carries over to gender as you'll be realistically fighting less mons overall.

And of all of them, Synchronize would be the easiest to translate to overworld spawns.

yeah I mean the battle system worked just fine for a single-player game with like five trainers, sure.
But as soon as switches are involved it becomes BS as fuck

Also, Agile Style just... doesn't work as it should.
I realized this when playing the Daybreak update battle against the three Alpha Pokemon of Ingo, when I used Agile Style it didn't raise MY action speed, but lowered the opponent's instead.
This is retarded because it means that if the opponent used Agile Style even once, it usually MINUS THREE FUCKING TURNS FOR ME. As it was a 3v1 battle.
>inb4 git gud
>mint acquisition trivial like in PLA
wait... there's mints in PLA? how do I not know this

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