Why did it fail?

It actually does literally everything Bitcoin promised to do and which got it famous in the first place, but unlike shitcoin, that failed to deliver and yet became super popular, Monero simply didn't catch on.

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only gays use it


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because its known as the crypto thats used to purchase stolen credit card info and drugs, normies dont want to be associated with it

it's used for its purpose so I wouldn't say it really failed

It has a dumb name, brand is half the battle.
The McDonalds guy fucked over the McDonald brothers just for the name.
Same as Internet Computer. Stupid fucking name.
Magic internet money. Stupid fucking name.

The utility is irrelevant. 99% of coins don't even have real utility only a proposed one.
Monero has real utility making it worth more than 99% of coins objectively but a terrible name.

This. Monero needs to market as being good money for normal people if it wants gains from normal people. Focusing on privacy first means you just pull in extremists that scare normal people.
I think that's OK and it's better that monero doesn't pump if that means xmr stays true to its goal. BTC already fills the all normies hold niche and atomic swaps will allow easy switching between them. Isn't that a win win?

Fuck normal people

it's working as intended

expecting gains is missing the point

crytpo wansn't invented to moon

>gets continuously adopted by the dark net markets
>banks are starting to adopt it too
>wHy DiDnT cAtCh On?
You're absolutely retarded, stfu.

I agree. I don't think monero should change anything about itself just so it moons. It's fine by me as long as it continues to give good privacy. I don't invest in monero, I buy things with monero as needed.

Transactions are increasing nicely which is a pretty good metric for a currency

>said the guy about bitcoin in 2011

It's basically Bitcoin but for privacy, Bitcoin already exis. So until Bitcoin crash ,why should monero be popular?

Monero doesn't care about privacy. So no devs care about Monero. That's why it's easily mined by malware and easily trace-able via ciphertrace.

monero didn't fail, it works great right now as the only peer to peer digital cash offering real fungibility and privacy. go try it.
its use case is not number go up, nor should it be. monero is not bitshit

Because Bitcoin doesn't fulfill it's promises and is thus inferior and deserves to die. Government can and does track it, for one

The number would go up if more people were staying to use it tho

monero shouldn't cuck out for the sake of mooning but number go up WILL lead to increased usage and adoption

Monero is the only coin that is actually used as hidden money, it's not flashy and doesn't really pump too hard (as this is kind of counterproductive to commerce), It doesn't pretend to be "the one coin" because not *all* money should be hidden, it's a cumbersome pain in the ass to use when you first get started and it is still proving itself.

It's not as exciting as the rest of the offerings in the crypto space, simple as.

If you want to turn $ into $$$, some ERC shitcoin with no future is unironically a better choice. If you want to hide money and transactions of that money, monero stands alone. It is simply unmatched in its niche.

Get new material

>if value high, why price low?

People aren't "scared" of monero that's retarded.
If people were scared of monero cause drug users use it then the same would be true of tor yet tor has been on stable growth for years at this point and has millions and millions of users.

Monero is the same way. The only thing that needs to be said is monero needs to do a better job of marketing itself to appeal to normies. Tor has a whole section ok their website about why it's bullshit that only pedos and criminals use tor and it's clearly had success.

Salty fags who had crypto and hate monero don't know what they are talking about. Give it 10 years.

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