Please lord for once give PT people a tiny little crumb of representation in video games...

Please lord for once give PT people a tiny little crumb of representation in video games, even a single Barcelos Rooster fairy/ground type or a fucking Fado Ghost/fairy or something would do

Attached: A new pokemon game based on us.png (348x780, 706.95K)

How do you think us bongs feel? Whatever you get can't be worse than what we got. According to GF's interpretation of the UK, I live in the middle of a western-style desert.

The only way to redeem Galar is through a Legends game.

Galar has the hottest girls you dummy

Fuck off

My house is in the middle of a fucking lake according to Gen 9, so yeah, i think i hace a good understanding on how you feel

Lugoredditor...I kneel

Isn’t portugal and Spain basically the same culture? Lot of animals, plants, architecture and even language are shared there

Attached: 9A092B20-85D3-4F6A-91D5-F34F69867BE4.jpg (2160x1199, 1.51M)

You are so fucking autistic

Attached: 1625188502451.png (434x245, 189.16K)

Portugal and Spain are virtually identical, your minute differences are regional culture-level.

>implying I am wrong

At least Spain actually has lakes. The desert area in Galar was just a piss take.

You got literally an ENTIRE region dedicated to your culture - we might get a single city if we're lucky and it's in the fucking Galarian resort.

We're all Iberians and genetically/culturally similar (on a historical scale it might even be fair to think of Portugal as an Iberian region same as any other except one that escaped the control of castille) But Portugal definitely has it's own culture and iconography.

What country are you from?

Of course to you it'll seem identical and won't make a difference, but for us there's absolutely a difference and we can tell (just the naming conventions themselves would be a giveaway). Things like Flamenco, Tortilla, Gaudí, Picasso, bullfighting (well, unless it's PT-style) are Spanish. Things like Fado, Caravels, PT-bullfighting, Barcelos Roosters, azuleijo are Portuguese

It might seem silly to you but it feels really disheartening for PT people to be in this unique position where you'll never see your culture or people represented because you're always either overshadowed by your geographically larger cousin or your more vibrant ex-colony.

>You got literally an ENTIRE region dedicated to your culture
Shut the fuck up.

Galar doesn't feel like the UK at all and they had 0 references to British culture/history except the obvious le royalty and le london etc.

They even had a Brit on the development team. How they fucked it up this badly is a wonder.

What the fuck do you want, a perfect historical representation with all the nuances of British culture? It's BASED on it, not literally Britain. I've lived here for the majority of my life and the architecture and countryside absolutely do mimic the UK, as do a lot of pokemon designs.

That would be alola

there's a tea pokemon. shut up.

My favorite part is that they made a bunch of the main characters brown.
Portugal was invented by Britain in order to limit the power of Spain.

>My favorite part is that they made a bunch of the main characters brown.
yup, sounds like modern Britain alright