Board used to be full of comfy PLA threads

>board used to be full of comfy PLA threads
>now every single thread is about the hideous gen 9 MC's, starters or trailer
I'm killing myself

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>comfy PLA threads
>PLA not being the most hideous Pokémon game to date
Legendtards are delusional.

>M-muh comfy spinoff thread
christ, you legendass are nearly as annoying as colocucks

>Implying 90% of the best pokemon games are not spinoffs

Yeah dude the ones who like the games are the annoying ones
You seriously need to take a look in a mirror, the most annoying people on this board are the constant doom spammers

who cares, PLA is comfy, play PLA to be comfy instead of participating in stupid game wars on a korean fish knitting website

Yup, now you know how BDSPfags felt.

>the most overused insult against PLA is accusing it of being a spin-off, as if the only good pokemon games aren't spin-offs

>PLA tourists shitting on the games they hate
PLA is a plague, but thanks again for beta testing

what we need is pokemon conquest 2 with SOUL graphics

All of this conflict is stressing me out. I hope Volo will come and shrink me down so that he can eat me!

How do I keep attracting you to my threads? And yeah I hope so too

You're welcome

wow, its richard hammond!
shit take. retardation like this is why they cancelled your amazon show

It does hurt me that PLA got so little time to shine before being replaced by the new hotness

Now all the fanartists will move on and we’ll be left with relatively little fan content until PLA HD in 2032

And what about the new Dacia Sandero?

made for rape

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>comfy PLA threads
those were shill threads, user. you can tell they weren't natural since they disappeared as soon as gen 9 was announced. marketers have moved on to shilling the next product and now it's like legends never existed.

It looks like he sucks big giratina cock

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